
Hi there.
I just got the rytm some days ago and so far I’m really pleased with it but I have some trouble figuring out how I save and import sounds and kits between projects.
For example if i save a sound or a kit in One project and I open a new empty project In which I want to import what I just saved. How’s that done?

Ok I think I’m starting to figure it out.

I have the same question, how do you load a kit from one project to another?

I still haven’t figured that out yet. I can do it with sounds thru the sound manager, but there’s no kit manager and it seems like you can only save to the sound pool.

Here is a way :
In the kit menu (Func+FX), highlight a kit (don’t load it) and then copy it (Func+rec).
Now load a new project, go back in the kit menu, highlight an empty location and paste (Func+stop).

It works well but it seems that you need to reload samples for each sounds…

Yes you can copy/paste in every way, every page…

Thanks alot for the answer. I must say I really hope there’s a better way to do it, but at least it’s possible this way.