Save confusion-help

Hi there, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here.
I started with one pattern with one part and saved the part and project. This is all good as reloading the project worked.
Then last night I made two more patterns using the same part and bank, and then saved the project.
Then suddenly I must have pressed some button combination by mistake and then I lost the last two patterns I made.
I’m sure I saved the project but maybe I didn’t , or is there something I’m doing wrong ?

Function+Play (Clear Pattern) perhaps?

after being aware of the missing two patterns, did you reload the Project?

Also, if you didn’t, make a backup copy of the Project, before reloading it.

Furthermore, there is the Save Current Bank option (and Reload, of course) so you have another level to save in the hierarchy ---- without bothering the Project

No, I lost two new patterns.
sikijk, I did reload project, I can only think maybe I didn’t save the project.Do you have to reload or resync after saving ?
So do you think a project save isn’t enough ? Do I need to save bank also ?
Thanx for the help.

No, the Project is upper in hierarchy than the Bank.
Saving Bank it’s just at a lower level.

Anyway, the only thing it comes to my mind is that you didn’t actually saved the Project, then you reloaded it and those two patterns were gone =(

About Syncing to Card instead of Save command…

Sync to Card is useful if you plan to do not save the Project and to remove the CF.
Actually, if you remove the CF you can lose data like the asterisk for Parts…or others…unfortunately there is not such a list to be aware of.

Anyway,i just perform Save command for Project and, when needed, for Bank.
The Sync to Card option let me presume i would eject the CF…but this is not the case (too much scared by bent pin… :zonked: )
