I’m trying to sample sounds I record with the h4n microphones in real time through the MD’s main input A with the RAM R1 and P1 machines but – maybe I don’t have the settings right on the MD – but I don’t hear anything when I trigger them like I do when I resample the MD internally. ILEV is at max and MLEV was at -64, I also muted all the other instruments during a pattern. Is there a mode with the h4n I have to set it to outside of the simple record function or…? Is this a case of just plugging it in the wrong port and me making a rookie mistake?
The ports should be pretty easy to debug: line out of H4n into Input of MD.
Are you looking to record sounds live? As in you could speak into the mic and the sound will pass through directly into the MD? If so, you will need to either have the H4n armed to record or have Monitoring turned on. If I remember correctly, no sound will pass through to the outs until you do this.
Make sure the ram-r machine is getting input from input A and not just B.
And yea, check your cue volumes.
Okay guys – I had to buy a double 1/4 input to 1/8 line in cable from Monoprice just to make this possible, I didn’t know I needed to route from the line-in/headphone jack – I managedto pull it off just fine with your guyses help – thanks a lot! Now I can put some snaps and claps in here.