Sampling my virus ti / input a/b

Hi Guys,

I’m unable to get my head around sampling my virus TI in the octatrack.
i’ve tried it with thrue machines/through the mixer (main)… tried tweaking all settings/// no go.
Followed all video tutorials, searched through this forum… no go.
This is really doing my head in. anybody got some tips?

Cheers Tom.

edit I can hear the virus through the octatrack. (main out to speakers)

Are you setting up recorder trigs?
Hold Function & press Record A/B
Here you set what to record & for how long. Use trig ‘one2’ to begin with.
I’d also suggest using one shot trigs so you don’t keep re recording. (Function & Trig on step 1, should be Yellow)
Hit exit , place a playback trig on step one of the track (Red)
Press play.

To re record hit enter

It can get pretty complicated so I won’t go into too much detail, see how you get on with that.
Worth searching Elektron Users, (use google not the site search engine) & youtube for tips :slight_smile:

my advice would actually be to forget about recording triggers until you can competently sample manually. here’s a post I made on the old forum that a lot of people have found useful:

I set up every recorder on my template like this:

RLEN - 64
SRC3 - resample that track
QREC - 16

This way no matter where I am in the machine, if there’s a loop I want to grab, I can just hold any track button and hit the source I want to record, and it starts recording at the beginning of the next measure. I get a full 4 bars, or I can stop it short with a second press of the button combo. Obviously you can tweak whatever settings you need to when you’re playing, but this is a very quick starting point for me.

Sampling is one of the most difficult things to do on the Octatrack. I constantly struggled with it. I would write down the steps in detail and have it right next to your octatrack unless you sample daily. Also make sure the track you are recording on does not have a filter or some other effect enabled. This always bites me in the ass. Good luck.

Hi rhizome, I´m one of those who found this post very useful back then, I still always sample like this, also in live situations / live jams, works perfectly and very spontaneously.

Thanks for this post.