Is it me, or is it really slow? Doesn’t feel in any way USB speedy.
Ok, let’s compare. For me this 573KB (24bit 48kHz mono) sample takes just under 34seconds to transfer to my AR.
that is roughly 18kbs… that is SLOW!
Anyone manage to transfer this sample any faster? I think I’m in “turbo” mode and I’ve tried all possible settings (I think) in both the AR and in C6.
It says in the manual that to get the fastest speed Midi needs to switched off on Global > Midi Port Config > Input & Output. So just USB only.
But, it’s still slow. Really hope Elektron implements a mountable disk to copy files to. Sample management is quite painful. I know it’s not a sampler like Octatrack but it still does have comprehensive sample playback so getting samples onto the device should be better I think.
31.25kbits/s is the standard that / 8 to change to bytes then x 8 for turbo should give us a 31.25 KBS… you got 17, that i slightly less then 50% for overhead. seems wrong… or sad… is my math off?
Windows 7
CS Version 1.5
On Rytm: Midi In: USB only
On Rytm: Midi Out: USB only
On Rytm: Created new sample directory and told the samples to upload to this directory
In C6: Turbo Box Checked, Figure: 10
In C6 Settings: toggeld all boxes, no turbolimit
Im trying to transfer the Reshaped Pack, 60 minutes time, only 10 samples are transfered so far.
So the complete Pack will take approx. 12 hours !!!
Can somebody pls wake me up from this nightmare, where is my mistake ?
Cuckoo touches on this in his new Rytm video. I think you need to change the auto channel or something. It seems to help a lot.
Hi everyone! I finally found how to enable Transfer and Turbo Speed mode with the Analog Rytm MKI:
Does it work with you?
Turbo Speed is an old tech that doesn’t affect the speed you are getting when using the Transfer App.
Turbo Speed is about 10 times faster then regular midi sysex data transfers however the technology the Transfer App uses is WAY faster.
For example:
With the C6 application (a sysex utility you can download from Elektron) with Turbo Speed enabled 10 mb of samples took 9 minutes and 27 seconds to transfer. Using the Transfer App 10 megabytes takes about 40 seconds.