Sample Polyphony

I’m assuming each voice will only be able to play samples in mono, and will only be able to retrig the sample each time a pad is triggered. If I bought a RYTM, I’d want to take a recorded synth phrase I’d make in Reason, and use one of the RYTM’s voices to play the looped synth phrase.

It’d be great to be able to have the sample play twice within one of RYTM’s voices so the tail of the sample doesn’t get cutoff abrubtly as the sample loops (especially if I wanted to use reverb/delay in Reason on the synth loop, or use a pad sound). A work around would be to load the same sample in two of RYTM’s voices, and take turns triggering the sample from each voice.

I really hope Elektron comes up with a clever algorithm that allows a single voice to play a sample polyphonically… maybe by stealing voices or something from another unused voice temporarily… idk

And then Octatrack owners will descend upon Göteborg with a fury not seen in their worst nightmares. It’ll be a disaster of biblical proportions, Old Testament, Mr. Prints, real wrath of God type stuff.

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…

The dead rising from the grave!

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!


Ah, I didn’t realize the Octatrack doesn’t even have this ability. I’m still into the RYTM though, it kind of reminds me of the Sequential Circuits Studio 440 in a way (I used to own one many years ago). The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

Seeing as each voice is effectively duophonic, I don’t see why it would be an issue to have a one shot mode for the sample layer playback so that it would not be retriggered when the synth voice was.

Is this still the case - ie. each trigger of a sample cuts off the previous trigger of the same sample?

that’s how individual voices work ! there’s no polyphony, just like on a single guitar string (a voice) - there’s zero percent chance they’ll do anything like on the A4 retrospectively, just doesn’t make sense, unless they wanted to make a poly sample machine and kill the synth voices, someone else on the forum has used midi voice virtual poly and approximately similar basic tones to mimic polyphony, just like some did, pre A4 poly, it’s easy to do in midi software or with say a midi pal device, but the AR won’t go down this path imho, it just makes no sense for them

If you want an mpc buy an mpc.

Ok, this is a good idea.

lg g3 schutzhülle

record poly and load up as a poly sample
sample the ar into the daw and load back as poly
its pretty easy

That’s not the issue, the issue is overlapping voices, not making chords !

it would be a nice feature but i don’t see it happening…
it’s a drum machine, not a sampler

its a question of understanding signal flow:

sampler -------
+ ----- VCA envelope ----> mixer / FX ----> output
drum synth —

no polyphony will ever be possible without physically altering the circuit boards due to the fact there is only one VCA per track.

but then the AR is a drum synthesiser not a true sampler (as mentioned if u want poly go buy an MPC - protip avoid the software hybrid shite).

I started this thread nearly a year ago before the RYTM was released. The obvious work-around is to take two voices with the same sample, and to take turns triggering the sample so they can overlap one another. I just thought it would’ve been nice to have an option to disable a voice to achieve this effect using one pad (voice).

It would also be nice to have an option of disabling a voice to load a stereo sample. Of course, the obvious work-around to this is loading the left channel of a stereo sample to one pad, and the right channel to another, and hard-panning them.

I’m starting to fucking hate you. Yesterday, you accused me of not having a RYTM for no apparent reason. And here you are again, being an annoying troll. This forum would benefit greatly from an ignore-user feature so I could just make you be invisible to me.

well, it’s a question of voice allocation, not signal flow (think tempest)
(and voice compatibility in case of AR, as well as product remit)
the A4 can do it (it didn’t originally), but the AR won’t, even though you could have an 8voice sample player with identical voice architecture

not sure what you are referring to with tempest and cba to look at schematic. but my point still stands if you only got one VCA per track ur screwed for poly.

ps. dont mean to sound blunt but in analog audio circuit design VCA (+VCOVCF etc…) == polyphony, if you are referring to voice allocation in a digital circuit then that is diff… afaik RYTM is more like a conventional analog design (could be wrong there, but thats what it looks like to me).

I’m starting to fucking hate you. Yesterday, you accused me of not having a RYTM for no apparent reason. And here you are again, being an annoying troll. This forum would benefit greatly from an ignore-user feature so I could just make you be invisible to me.[/quote]
Hate is such a strong word for someone jus sharing there opinion and has no place here imo, maybe go for a walk instead?.. id rather decent moderation of those unable to control themselves than everyone simply ignoring each other tbh.
If I recall Lars apologised for his confusion in the other thread you mention, no?! If there’s more to it tho then my bad but still totally disagree with throwing hate around, even if it’s just another word to you.

I’m starting to fucking hate you. Yesterday, you accused me of not having a RYTM for no apparent reason. And here you are again, being an annoying troll. This forum would benefit greatly from an ignore-user feature so I could just make you be invisible to me.[/quote]
Hate is such a strong word for someone jus sharing there opinion and has no place here imo, maybe go for a walk instead?.. id rather decent moderation of those unable to control themselves than everyone simply ignoring each other tbh.
If I recall Lars apologised for his confusion in the other thread you mention, no?! If there’s more to it tho then my bad but still totally disagree with throwing hate around, even if it’s just another word to you. [/quote]
I hate the dude because he’s trolled me twice in two days. “If you want an mpc buy an mpc” is a real asshole thing to say to a legitimate discussion about potential RYTM features. is something i tried a while ago; it’s a bit voice expensive but it does give some good results (i’m guessing that’s probably what you tried as well), at least for what i need, but if i need sample polyphony though, i look elsewhere

its blunt and to the point, but it is correct in saying that polyphony is something you would expect from a sampler (MPC), but not from a drum synthesiser (AR). A TR808 or 909 has no polyphonic voices, but an MPC 2000XL does.

Just because the AR has a sample layer as part of the synthesis does not make it a fully fledged sampler. Adding such functionality would mean making substantial changes to the physical hardware units and circuit boards - I’m afraid this is incredibly unlikely to ever happen (kinda what i tried to explain with signal flow / voice allocation in previous post). It is categorically not just a case of adding new firmware or some other software fix.

I wouldn’t get too hung up about it.