Sometimes the Machinedrum manual makes me feel dumb. I have the MKII +drive version. I’m reading that it can load 6000+ samples into it but at the same time reading that it only has 2.5MB of memory?! Clearly I am missing something here. I’ve had this thing for about a year and totally forgot that sampling was even an option. Loaded a mashed up 707/727 kit in last night and was having a blast!
Anyone feel like telling what might be very obvious?!
Your MD has 2.5mb of ram PER snapshot distributed amongst 48 rom slots and the ram machines. The + drive gives you 128 snapshots…48 x 128 = 6144. I don’t have the + drive but I know that you can only only access one snapshot at a time…
So I have 2.5mb per snapshot.
128 snapshots per ROM Slot.
48 Rom Slots.
So is that 48 x 2.5MB = 120MB of samples?
Does each KIT store it’s snapshot? Or ROM Slot?
I’m just trying to figure out how much room I have in this box to load my samples into. Why is the sample stuff so poorly explained int eh manual. Is there somewhere else I should be looking?
The mduw has a working memory that holds a bunch of patterns and samples.
Back before the plus drive, this working memory was all you had to work with at a time: The patterns in slots A01-H16 and up to 48 .wav samples that could add up to no more than 2.5 MB.
This meant if you wanted more, the only option was to replace some or all of the current contents of the working memory. You could save anything – from just a single pattern or sample, up to the entire contents of your working memory – as a sysex file to your desktop, preserving it as a picture that could be reloaded later.
This picture had a size limit – the size of the working memory.
Your computer could store a virtually unlimited number of these picture files, a nice advantage. The downside: you still need a computer a lot if you make a lot of patterns.
So Elektron created plus drives. Instead of the unlimited number of picture files your desktop can hold, you can store up to 128 of them right aboard your mduw+. They called the picture files “snapshots”.
right but the sample rate is variable - so 40 seconds at full fidelity maybe, but much more as you keep lowering the sampling rate.
one of the coolest functions of the md is that it will intelligently lower the sample rate during live sampling to help you manage memory if you start to run out.