Hey guys,
A lot of you, as well as myself, use sample chains in the Octatrack. Usually, they consist of a bunch of several drum sounds, chord sounds etc. so that you don’t have to scroll through the sample list or can have more different sounds available than the 128 slots in the list.
Just recently I changed to a different purpose for sample chains: having up to 64 versions of the same sound available. For instance, I recorded A4 chords with different filter/reverb/delay/LFO settings and I’m going to record a lot of stuff from the MD, maybe through the A4, with FX settings getting wilder and rougher with each hit of the sound. Let a snare hit 64 times, start clean, then screw up BRR, SRR, Pitch LFO, Synth settings, MD Reverb, MD delay, A4 distortion, A4 ping pong delay… It’s also not such a bad idea to process audio from or processed through MD RAM machines, for some more crunch and grit inside the OT.
We’ve been wishing MIDI scenes for years, but with that workaround, you can achieve the same result soundwise, just assign the crossfader to slice number. Maybe that’s all an old cup of tea for you, though.
To come to my question: Where could I get sets of 64 samples of the same sounds with increasing FX settings/modulations from the internet, made by people with much more crazy gear? Some sample libraries offer 3-4 versions of a sound (Goldbaby: clean, tape, tape FX, saturated,…), but I mean more & smaller differences between sounds, so that I can also assign a LFO with low depth for some analog modulation feeling in the sound.
DarenAnger, if you read this, could you please consider chains of this type when porting your library to the OT? I could record the drum sounds from the A4 by myself, but that’s less “professional”…