is there some technique to get an excact 8bar loop when crop to selection.
it says 713700 samples and 8 bar, but its a bit difficult to know if 713700 is excactly 8 bar.
i guess i need to have it accurate so slicing later on dont give clicks and pops
thank you!
Samples number depends on the bpm the audio file was recorded.
So 8 bar, will be 713700 samples long only on a specific bpm…soooo
****** T H E • C O N T E S T • I S • O P E N ******
What is the bpm ?
You don’t say anyhing soup! 
Apart the fun.
When the Audio Editor displays 8 bar - then you have selected 8 bar at the original file’s bpm.
Remember that you can zoom in to make finer adjustments
119 BPM? rounded up - probably did the math wrong, but thanks for the challenge…
Assuming 44.1kHz sampling rate.
713700 / 44100 , approximately 16.1837 seconds.
Assuming 4/4 rythm.
8 bars is 4*8 = 32 beats.
32 beats in 16.1837 seconds is 32*60/16.1837 approximately 118,64 BPM.