Safe to have a small magnet on the Rytm?

Tungsten Putty was the name of my old high school band.


i thought i was the only one to do that

I tried briefly neodymium magnets, it works really well with OT and A4, not with MD, but as they are very strong I don’t feel confident with that and would use toothpicks instead. I thought about solder a switch for Ot’s Function button.

I picked up one of these for holding down buttons at gigs

Thank you very much for posting that video!

If someone could pass this to the Elektron developers maybe they can see why some styles and genres of music really need a proper latched pattern mode!
Having to resort to magnets or tape for a feature that can be very easily implemented and is standard on pretty much every other drum machine and groovebox out there… come on guys.

Maybe it’s memory/processor related? When you press the Bank button Rytm knows to get it’s sh1t together in readiness for a pattern change. Maybe in that state it de-prioritises other tasks/processes (or turns them off entirely) so resource is dedicated to pattern changing and you get a clean and timely change every time? If it was in a permanent state of ‘readiness’ other functions might not perform consistently or might not perform at all.

Note of caution to anyone duct-taping/blu-takking/tooth picking/plectrumming that shiz down.

Disclaimer: I know precisely NOTHING about drum machine memory/processor architecture.

I’m pretty sure it is not a problem for the processor. I have been keeping it in pattern select mode using the magnet for HOURS while using Performance mode and it never skipped a beat.

For me, the magnet has breathed new life in this machine, which was heading to ebay… I might keep it a little longer now :grinning: but the TR8s now has a step repeater so I am probably switching over .

Been there already, got the automated response ! The wording of it sounded to me like “we don’t have time for this”. The fact that this pattern mode behavior has been present without change since the Monomachine makes me think it isn’t likely to happen without a huge petition, or not at all… for reasons only known to Elektron. The possible reason is completely beyond my imagination.

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