Advice needed:
I’m a new OT owner, about to embark on multiple large projects, and am very confused about the safest way to save what i am working on, so everything i have done gets saved - IE daily.
There is so much confusion for me with sets, samples, projects, tracks - as far as saving is concerned.
The whole audio pool thing to me is useless, as each project will have its own unique set of samples.
I do have set the OT up to save samples to Proj Dir - but still I am unsure if I bring up a certain idea Ive been working on and alter / edit / add another sample - how do i then save everything with the new added sequencer, track, CV info + relevant samples?
So I don’t end up like others and lose months (or even years) worth of hard work, i want to proceed with caution as far as backing up my work at regular intervals.
Where every single minute detail is saved onto the CF card. Then I make a safety copy of the CF card onto my computer. (…and then back the computer OT CF files up to a hard drive too!)
I was hoping that I can finish up working each day, and do a safe save of everything - with 1 command.
Is this possible?
Because the next day I may be working on a completely different project.
Even on a different CF card.
I don’t mind owning 10xCF cards if I have to, I just want a foolproof simple “save everything” command.
Any advice would be much appreciated.