Rytm video - Fun with Chromatic mode

Nothing special, i was trying to use the chromatic mode and its great fun !

Sounds good, look at you with the holy trinity!

I’m glad to hear that the Analog Rytm has some versatility with its drum synths… Can’t wait for mine!

nice stuff! sounds really versatile so far

thanks nice to see that features in action

gonna have to get one and use it like my tempest as a dm and a synth


mmm maybe this would be nice next to the tempest :slight_smile:

I think that this AR hasn’t finish to surprise us.

thx for the vid.

this is this kind of vids that we want to see in order to realise what AR CAN DO.


Oh you’re wrong… This is something very special! :wink:

:+1: Very nice demo! THANX!

So how are the 3 black devils getting along together? (stupid question I know) I’m eager to hear the trio…

Can’t thank enough all of you making vidz! he he


Cool! Can it also be locked to a scale? So you only touch Amin notes for example?

Hell Yes! The range of synth tones is a lot better than I was expecting.

Very Kraftwerkian! Nice stuff sovietpop!


i’m struggling to get much out of the machines BESIDES drum/perc tones.
can you expound more on the synth setup? maybe a couple screen shots of the pages to make the sounds that don’t rely on samples.

Thanks everyone.
I just wanted to show, by this minimalist composition , that the Rytm can be used as a synth.

Sure it is optimized for percussion but its good to know that the Rytm is more than just a drum machine.

I’ve used the RS classic machine.
Play with parameters T1 T2 and the symmetry.
Also ajust the decay.
The first row is quite versatile and allow a good range of sounds.

Sweeeeeet! Thanks for sharing this Sovietpop - mine is due to arrive by the end of the day tomorrow, these videos are helping me with the suspense :+1:


This is a nice and inspired first sound !
it makes me think : we need SCALES on the pads ! and octave up and down !

Hey all! I’ve just received my Rytm today and what I figured out so far: If you press “arrow up” or “arrow down” (“Retrig-” / “Retrig+”) while in Chromatic Mode you have “octave up/down” function. The pads change their colors then, too.

Scales would really be great, I know the pads send midi, so that would be cool for playing a sequence into an A4 track or something. There should be a MIDI mode where the pads only play through midi out for playing other instruments. Can you currently play the engines with an external keyboard. Linnstrument+RTYM=The Future??? Thanks for the vid sovietpop!