Rytm + Octa + A4 (Techno)

Drums are completely from Rytm. Pad is Octatrack and melody is A4

Sounds good to me! Is there any external processing on the Rytm drums?

just some eqing on the Main Bassdrum on my desk to make it stick out a bit more.
Its 2 layered Bassdrums, one Sample of a real kickdrum and a basstom with some delay and heavy distortion.

Damn this goes hard.

No external processing at all ?

I’m really interested about how you achieved those sounds, gratz, huge tune.

nice !

Keep up the good work, snitch.
This one’s a year old, got anything new?

yeh nice…did a search and found his soundcloud…some good stuff man !!

Sweet texture on that kick

Nice track snitch. Pounding. Right up my alley.

The more I listen to your sound, the more I like it @snitch !
Danke !