Rytm mutes triggering changes on Octatrack fx

Strange behaviour I cant figure out… I have Octa mk 2 midi clock slaved to Rytm mk1 and some of the mutes on Rytm when I unmute turn down an eq or filter pot on Octa? Took me a bit to figure out what was happening to the sound but this is definitely what is happening… any ideas?

When hitting the pad on the rytm you’re sending midi cc to octa.

So on rytm go to MIDI PORT CONFIG and set PAD DEST to INT.

Now the rytm pad will no longer send midi cc.


Set everything to “int” that you don’t want to send. Also on the OT.
Always good not to have midi data flowing around, that you don’t want/need. :slight_smile:


Hmm didn’t know Rytm could send any midi other than clock… cheers

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