Rytm & keys routing

aloha elektronauts!

winter is coming…and studio time is upon me, i have a routing question using analog rytm & keys.

whats the best way to connect those two to each other or to my spl crimson soundcard.

do i need the TM-1 midi interface for them or will it all run smooth?

i would be awe&some to hear/see some routing tips and tricks as im new to this…and want to get the best out of them.

muchos apreciatos

not even a word from a moderator?

…guess im alone in space…

Your not alone…

I cant exactly tell you what buttons to press… I am sure its explained in the manual…
as we speak… u should be able to use the usb on your rythm and your keys. to connect to your pc… and have usb-midi for the notes and all that in your favorite daw…

that doesnt solve your audio-problems… for that you need a soundcard. but dont go out and spend your moneyz… sooner or later the good folks at elektron (who are busy people) will give us overbridge (well those who have overbridge compatible gear. i think i am mising out on the boat with my pretty shiny octatrack, monomachine, and machinedrum)

At that time, just using usb, should give you all the nice routing and midi and controll posibilities you want in your favorite daw… and if your lucky… you get it before winter starts… so you can play with it all winter…

so hooray, winter and possibilities are coming…
dont feel lonely, you got shiny toys to play with… and weid bearded phreaks that writes answers.

my german isnt super… aber…

by looking at your soundcard… it appears to have 2 stereo line-ins…
so look in manual for midi-usb… and how that works… and until that overbridge is out…
just connect your rythm to stereo-input 1 (probably input 1 and 2 combined)
and your keys to stereoinput 2 (probably input 3 and 4 combined)

how this technically works in your daw: beats me… to many difrent daws…
unless you work with renoise… i wouldnt be able to tell you… so again
manual time

thanx dreammer really appreciate it!

Your welcome buddy… Enjoy your machines… :slight_smile:

anybody familiar with both keys & rytm sound-banks, do they have the exact same 4096 sounds?
and if so what do you nauts think of using both keys & rytm, is it worth it or are the capabilities of both pretty close to each other?

my idea is to have a good/fun analog synth and a analog drum computer.
since the keys has a sequencer as well, am i be able to work on keys alone just for my drums/grooves/rytms?

elektronauts rollout!

I’d say that if you have the opportunity/money to get both, you won’t regret it. They don’t really overlap in sounds at all; their capabilities are quite different.

While you can definitely make cool percussion on the AK (and conversely, cool melodic sounds on the AR), it’ll take a lot more work. If you want sounds that are drum-like right out of the box, the AR is much more immediate for that purpose. The parameters of the various tracks are tailored to percussion synthesis.

Both boxes have sequencers. It’s nice to be able to mix and match melodic/harmonic and percussive sequences, and having both units will allow you to do that. Enjoy!

welcome to jamrod!
thanks a lot for this, just wanted to make sure :wink: