RYMT Bitwig, program change

So, I’m trying to send pcm’s to my Rytm using the Bitwig program change device to change patterns, but it’s not working.

I can change the patterns by sending midi notes to the right channel, but sending program change messages to the same channel seems to do nothing at all.
Maybe this setup I have does not work with Overbridge? I use this for other HW devices all the time, but with my Rytm things fail.
My chain looks like this, anybody out there able to help?

In the RYTM settings for SYNC do you have RECEIVE PROGRAM CHANGE enabled?

Did not, but it did not fix it either :frowning:

Try sending it on the AUTO channel?

I had the prog change in/out channels set to 16, I changed this to AUTO which is set at 14, still won’t work.

Ok, I solved it with all this together, the issue is because I was trying to send PCM into Overbridge, it won’t respond to it at all sadly. Why not? It responds fine to notes etc…

I need to create a HW INSTRUMENT device in another chain and send the PCM to this device instead which will relay the MIDI to the Rytm

EDIT, that said, this introduces a lot of delay in terms of actually switching for some reason.
The Rytm responds immediately by showing on the display it wants to change, but take a good while to change. And I have the pattern switching set to DIRECT START mode.

Sending notes to Overbridge seems to still be the only viable option here.

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