Running OT not re-syncing on MIDI Start signal

Hi there, finally made it over from the elektron-users …

So, I have a MIDIBox Sequencer, which can re-send a MIDI Start signal on the start of the next bar, i.e. while the clock keeps running.

This can re-sync slaved machines (while running) that have gotten out of sync for whatever reason.

Now with my MDUW, this perfectly put things back on sync (i.e. skipping whatever is left of the 16 steps and re-start on 1).
The OT reacts to the MIDI Start when being stopped, but not when it’s running, i.e. it keeps the master tempo, but it’s not re-starting on the first step.

Is that “re-start on MIDI Start” just missing from the OT ? Like said above, the MDUW does this.
(I’m not implying my OT goes out of sync, it’s perfectly stable)

Bump :slight_smile:

so its not the master than right?

The midibox looks like a nice instrument. Where did you get it? I might be interested in getting one.

You can only build it yourself, it’s a DIY project.

No, its slaved to the MIDI clock Form the Midibox