Rules on sampling other artists songs?

I haven’t said anything about what art should or shouldn’t be. I said that if you need to use other ppls art to make yours you’re not creative in my opinion, no matter what the genre is.

I don’t know who you’re paraphrasing.

After all these are just opinions and I certainly don’t think mine will affect anyones attitude or approach. :slight_smile:

you said using someone elses art in a different way is for people who are not creative, which reads to me that the original art can not be used in any other way creatively, effectively establishing it as one single unchangeable thing. the paraphrase isnt that obtuse.

reminds me of this classic

“I thought using loops was cheating, so I made my own. I thought that using samples was cheating, so I made my own, I though using drum samples was cheating so I recorded a live drummer, I thought that was cheating so I learned the drums, I thought that was cheating, so I made my own drums, I thought that was cheating so I made my own drum heads, I thought that was cheating so I raised a goat and skinned it myself, I haven’t made any music lately, with the all the goat farming.”

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I stand by what I said and made an attempt to clarify what I mean. Beyond that feel free to interpret it how ever you will.

This is about your brain isn’t it really.

People create from the frontal lobe however, people will differ with levels of motivation to kick start your frontal lobe. Some people have natural higher levels of dopamine so can more easily create something out of nothing, others need a kick start. That dopamine can come from samples or in my case it’ll be preset sounds, hear the sound, get idea, away you go. I assume that’s how most folk use samples, still creative, just need a hit to get going.

Good points. I’m not trying to tell ppl what to do but simply stating my unpopular opinion.

im not worried about it, just challenging what i view to be a fairly popular opinion. this is a rather divisive topic for some reason, never made much sense to me. i kind of follow the “once you put your art into the world its no longer yours” mindset.


Fair enough. My views on this stuff and the will to take part in these conversations seem to be heavily determined by my blood sugar levels which atm are low lol.

The Picasso quote bring to mind Mondrain VS South African Aboriginal color and lines ( on Dwelling structure)

…u better stick with the old brian eno trick…
play along a looped sample of ur choice…layers and layers, dubs and dubs around and on top of it…
take that loop away and start arranging and mixing…

in case u then have to realize, u still did’nt came up with something new and original, well, then…
u better try again…

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It be great if someone would interpret him correctly for a change! This saying of his doesn’t apply to cases like sampling; he meant something completely different. But ppl see what they want to see.

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Hot take

So hip hop is shit then? Daft Punk [I actually hate DP :slight_smile: ]. They are pretty much sample only, HH and DP.

I’m terrible at sampling. I just can’t seem to did it in a meaningful way. I also feel like it’s cheating. Mostly because I’m shit at music. I’m no good at doing anything of my own. I think if I was actually musical, sampling wouldn’t feel so dirty.

Long and short, I think sampling so be legal. But it should be a sample. Not dropping some of your own sounds on top of a track.

An example of a stupid music case was Little Red Corvette and Sussudio. Not even sampling…just a sequence of note that sounded similar. Bound to happen as there are only so many sequences that sound good. There are bound to be songs that have similarities without even trying to copy or even knowing the original source of the sequence.

Sampling should be allowed. Ripping off should not.

I mean shit…Some old dead bands get sampled and try to sue for use of their music. Some of these washed up bands could benefit from a sample of their tune being in a hit, possibly prompting people to check out their music.

I dunno. Make it legal.
[then the old BoC tapes might come out. SO much sampling in those :slight_smile: pretty sure that’s why WARP never released them in the end]

The bit at 4:25 :+1:t6: :rofl:

They were a little bitter at that time.

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I think most of hip hop is utter shit.
The legality of sampling is quite meaningless to me, I just can’t stand hearing some lame old rock songs or something like that re-used by rapping on top of it. I think it’s tasteless, unimaginative, opportunistic and lazy.

Sure there are ways to use samples creatively but as I’ve understood this thread we aren’t talking so much about sampling individual sounds to be used again in a creative way but rather about how much of other ppls music can you use and still get away with it.


OUCH! I’d say that about todays ‘shit’-hop.

But 70s rap and 80s mid 90s hip hop was quite good. Not all mind you.

I mean how can a smooth vibe like this be considered shit…

[you are not allowed to like Daft Punk if you hate hip hop for sampling. DP are the worst offenders of all time] :blush:

If you’re talking about Run DMC and Aerosmith…two things here. Hip hop was dead. Run DMC were smart enough to tap into mainstream rock to get attention. In turn revitalizing hip hop. At the time they reinvigorated Aerosmith. A win win. But…yes, that song is crap. At least that’s my feeling of that song. But it was good for both hip hop and rock. Hard rock? Old metal is so ‘rock’ compared to todays metal :slight_smile:

Re: what people are using and how they get away with it, most likely depends on the label and how much they are willing to pay to clear samples. OR, the band being sampled is cool about it, and may see the value in giving permission to use their music. I don’t think anyone is ‘getting away’ with it. It must just depend on how cool or uncool OR lazy the sample’y’ is. Or the label owns the music and the handles the band sampling it.


I also love making bootlegs and remixes. I just don’t release them to the general public. They only live on my sampler and are only performed in a live setting when the mix isn’t recorded.

Totally agree with that. Sampling for a set or for your own shit. Have at it.

But to release for sale, it should be allowed, but with some guidelines :+1:t6:

Where does a cover band sit? :open_mouth::thinking::wink:

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I don’t like Daftpunk :slight_smile:
My computer broke and typing this with a phone is tedious so I’ll leave it to what I’ve already said.

I don’t know why I initially said anything since I don’t have anything valuable or interesting to add to this conversation.

Had a bad day and decided to chime in. Idiotic lol.


What on earth is this thread? I popped in here expecting a discussion on sampling rules and it’s all shitting on legendary artists.

Going to back out slowly and hope you all find salvation despite your comments about RDJ and Daft Punk. Lord forgive them…


I’m with you 100% on phone typing. Holy shit!

2 phones deaths are due to me hitting backspace more than getting any legible werds out on the damn phone. A great tool…but part of me wishes they never came into existence. fuck the cell phone

MAKE SAMPLING LEGAL [with boundaries] :fist:t6:

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Been there.