Unfortunately Roland did not supply any MIDI charts for the TR-8. There may be more assignable parameters, but this is all I could find.
Please reply if you find more!
Unfortunately Roland did not supply any MIDI charts for the TR-8. There may be more assignable parameters, but this is all I could find.
Please reply if you find more!
As I just posted on GS, big dude! Looks like I’ll be upgrading from a drumstation now!
nice, useful. couldn’t find any more than that either.
I guess one way to find more is to try listening to Midi CC events coming from the TR-8 with Midi-Ox or the Mac equivalent (assuming that the TR-8 sends the same CC’s as it would receive for each control).
I tried that at first, but I am not too familiar with midi-ox. I could only get CC values for some of the Bass Drum’s knobs and fader. Most other knobs and faders either showed “Control Change” or “Portamento” where the other ones would show “CC23”. Also the drum hit notes were showing up just as pictured, only one octave higher.
Oh thank you! This is super useful. You don’t happen to have something similar for the TB3? Fuck Roland for not putting these up in the first place.
Thanks a lot . I was searching the other day for something like this.
No sorry, I don’t own any other AIRA devices. It is pretty easy to figure all the CC’s out.
If someone wants to make one, here is how I did it.
TR-8’s MIDI OUT plugged into an audio/midi interface’s MIDI IN.
The USB hookup should work too, but since I was going to be using MIDI connections for controlling it I wanted to be sure I would get the correct CC values.
In Ableton Live (or another DAW)) go into your MIDI preferences and turn on TR-8 MIDI IN (track)
Turn MIDI learn on and click on something in the DAW to assign a MIDI control. The MIDI mapping window should be open.
Now start turning knobs and writing down each CC# the DAW shows as being mapped in the MIDI mapping window. In ableton you can just keep turning knobs and it will reassign the control to the next knob, fader, or button you press.
Open up a high-res picture in MS PAINT or similar and start labeling the CC#s.
Save & Upload.
Roland has published midi implementation for TR-8 and TB-3
how does one one sequence Pattern changes in these machines using my Octatrack? Is it possible according to these midi charts?
I’m not familiar with these new Roland units, but nothing in the MIDI implementation charts that you linked to indicates that changing patterns via MIDI is currently possible.
no you simply can’t change pattern via midi…thats a big shame…
would like to see updates, which includes send/receive scatter on/off,
disabling send notes, pattern changing via midi, maybe kitchange via midi also…and the manual-rolls should be in sync with the grid…the tr-8 is a great alternative to 808/909 (although pretty ugly) but for now it just feels so uncomplete.