Roland SP-404 Mk2 (Part 1)

Are you on a Mac?

No, PC :slight_smile:

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Ah bugger. I don’t think Roland have got the VST for this working in PC yet. Hopefully they will though. It’s become a great hybrid setup and would do what you want

Frankly, stems workflow is not really a thing on the Sp. If you have made a sequence with the sequencer there are work around ways to export stems, but it’s a bit convoluted.
In your case I would:

  • record the loops in Ableton
  • launch the standalone Sp-404 app
  • drag the loops from Live to the Sp-404 via the app;
  • mess around on the Sp-404
  • resample the various loops as needed
  • either record or export the loops to Live and finish there

It’s not ideal. I would personally ignore the stems, keep the Sp-404 connected as a sound card while working on Live, use skip back recording when something nice happens, manipulate that audio on the Sp and bring it back to Live. It should be more fun.


You can still use the standalone app.

I was just thinking that the VST integration into a DAW really would help workflow. It does for me at least (on a Mac)


Thanks a lot, both of you :slight_smile:
What you lay out, Automageddon, seems like a very viable workflow (and one that allows for me to jam on the sofa away from the keyboard for a little bit = lovely).

Hopefully the VST integration for PC users is already being worked on.


Sample Like a Devil, Feel Like an Angel


we’re gonna need shirts. …with an SP on there too…


ROLAND: if you are reading this, please add a fixed step or bar length for sample loop recording! Ever since Digitakt’s v1.50 release with that feature, it’s been my go to.


I’m really enjoying sampling and resampling modulars with the SP 404 MK2 a lot and it’s easier to use live than my Octatrack because I can switch samples faster than having to load new projects and samples in the Octatrack that has lag time. The pattern sequencer is the weak part of it compared to how nice the Elektron sequencer works so they complement each other.

2 Likes or app basic (free) version plus Skipback = hours of fun experimentation.



Trying this now.

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This is mind blowing good!!! Thank u


The paid version is definitely worth it ($5 a month) if you want to favorite songs or have rewind, but the free version is great because you are basically looking for the opening breaks and melody’s at the starts of songs anyway. Just pick your decade(s), cruise different countries and enjoy!


agreed. thank you

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Agreed but I’m SOOOOO tired of subscriptions! It’ll definitely be the free version 4 me…


It just suggested me the theme from Cannibal Holocaust by Riz Ortolani (Italy 80es) and my heart melted.

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Exactly! It’s unique in that it’s way of filtering (by decade(s) and country) you end up stumbling onto things you may not normally through uTube/Spotify/etc.

I’ve been finding gems that, even if I don’t sample them, it’s great listening and inspiration.

Edit - I’m using it thru my phone/tablet USB-C directly in so it’s pretty seamless and always listening.

My boy Big Umami’s been on this for a while…

UTube creator face and all…