Roland SP-404 Mk2 (Part 1)

I’ve never been able to find a good workflow with two hardware samplers. Always seems to be more trouble than it’s worth.

That’s just me though. I’m sure others have had much better luck, and the DT can do stuff that the mkii can’t, like step sequence and parameter locks.


The only two samplers I really enjoyed using together was the SP-404 and MPC 1000. It was because they were in a perfect loop - audio from MPC to SP, then from SP to MPC. With MIDI from MPC to SP. It was a dream combo! Still sold them though. :stuck_out_tongue:


I have the same setup. DIGITAKT + SP 404 MK2. I don’t use either exclusively in one role. But I do use the workflow you’re referring to a lot.

I usually have the DIGITAKT outs to 404 inputs. And digitakt midi outs to 404 midi inputs.

I make my drum sequence in digitakt usually 4 bars. Then after I get some chops going on the sp, I will audition the chops over the digitakt sequence.

This allows me to use the skipback function to resample everything and capture happy accidents

Or the traditional resampling method once I think I have my final draft.

Or use the digitakt to sequence the 404 via midi

Or I can sample the whole digitakt sequence and use it in the sp sequencer.

Or use digitakt overbridge to split out each digitakt track then multi track the sp on top in the daw

All in all I think this combo is perfect harmony.

I’ve always enjoyed a step sequencer sampler and sp pairing. I am now comfortable doing drums in sps thanks the sp forums battles, but when I first started out I used the ESX and sp combo as a crutch to help me with drum patterns. Step Sequence drums and play live chops and loops from the sp.


The portability of the SP is one of its real charms. If I were going to work with the DT as well, I think I might do a bit of a “modular approach”. Use the DT standalone to come up with something and then when I’ve got something I like, sample that into the SP, and go from there.

Basically, I like temporarily “docking” the SP to things rather than leaving it permanently “tethered”, if that makes sense.

Just my preference of course, but I think it really shines this way, and it’s sort of the way I use it with my DAW, so it would work well with the DT, I think.

I definitely didn’t mean to bust your bubble or anything with my comment. It’s just a personal workflow thing I’m sure. Plus, the DT’s workflow is prone to happy accidents and experimental stuff!


No, I’m with you 100% on using multiple samplers. I typically don’t get on with that setup. The approach you outlined is what I had in mind (creating a pattern on the DT then sample it into the SP and from that point just be writing on the SP. I am definitely a one device at a time sort of guy but I also Feel like for my skill set programming drums on the DT will be much smoother. The thing I’m a little worried about is when I want to track the parts from the DT and the SP into the Daw. Specifically, just getting them all to sync up but i think it should work.


That’s huge for me. More than a feature, I call it a philosophy. What you see is what you get, samples and sequences have a physical location: a pad.

Then you may backup for archiving, later use etc. And you may, when the need arises, export a specific sample to use it elsewhere.

Most instruments mimic computer philosophy which separates data for the convenience of organizing and re-using it with flexibility.

I claim that while this seems appealing, it creates cognitive load and is difficult to deal with for most people. Difficult in the sense of what it is designed for: the promised convenience isn’t reached as many of us end up with too much data to deal with, not organized enough.

I also find it hinders creativity. Not to huge extents, it’s very possible to deal with for many of us but still, I like the philosophy of the SP, a lot!



I tried with Octatrack and MPC2500. I kept swapping over which one was the master clock. I know other people on the forum are happy with using old school MPCs with OT but it never really gelled for me. I don’t think my brain can handle more then one sampler at once!

I did have some fun recording OT MIDI craziness into MPC and then using the MPC to sequence thought

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Good overview on the Effects Bus. This is close to how I have been using it.


what are the converters like on this thing. does it have a sound? or is it leaning towards the idea of transparency? I confess I know nothing about this machine other than the fact the OG unit spawned a lot of great music.

juno instock UK guys


5 in stock. Go go go people! :grin:

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GAH, want one and can’t seem to find the link on Google!


Thank you, I managed to find it in the end and this happened. :smiley:

Worst comes to worst and I don’t get on with it, I’ll send it back or sell to one of you guys.



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Nice one

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The temptation to be an unscrupulous reseller is real…


ANyone using one in combination with a Digitakt or Analog Rytm ?
Can you route the two into eachother to use the cool sides of both?

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Thank you! Ordered.
They still show 5 in stock after my order (it said 5 before too). Holding the celebrations.
Shoutout to Thomann for smoothly cancelling my previous order. I like those guys.