Robot Love - Simple Music - My first full length! (minimal)

Well, here it is; my first full length release! Fellow elektronauts I present Simple Music. An album of minimal vibes. You will find Elektron instruments, tape recorders, VCRs, found sounds, and bloops abound! I hope you like it :slight_smile:

Here are links to the soundcloud set and the bandcamp page:

Robot Love - Simple Music
12 tracks
Playing time: 1:11:11
Release date (3.14.2014)

Free codes:


Favorite tracks? Sounds like _____? Iā€™d love to hear what you all think.


Great Sunday afternoon music. Thoroughly enjoying this, esp. track 4 ā€¦ gonna burn this to disc so I can give it the attention it deserves in the car.

Thanks for the DL!

This is awesome. The percussion sounds great.

Only a track in, but the first thought I had was that the beginning reminded me of the most recent Jon Hopkins album.

Iā€™m gonna give this some spins and get back to you

Things without names, one of my secret personal faves. swoosh

This is awesome. The percussion sounds great.

Only a track in, but the first thought I had was that the beginning reminded me of the most recent Jon Hopkins album.

Iā€™m gonna give this some spins and get back to you

Jon Hopkins has golden ears! Iā€™ll have to check out JH new album, which somehow I didnā€™t know about? How did that happen? Oh well, itā€™s not as if Stimming came out with a new album and I hadnā€™t heard aboutā€¦ itā€¦ HEY wait a minuteā€¦ thanks for the listen :slight_smile:

Very nice!

Just bought (no free code for me) as you deserve it for your work. Was actually following you on SC and always been fascinated by the bouncy, textured beats your were making.

Nice work, will have a complete listen home later.

Dude, thanks!! I hope you like it, really.

Whatā€™s up with battle 5? that track is so good!

Brilliant! Just played this on my train ride back from Yokohama. Perfect sounds for whizzing through the sprawl of Tokyo. I really love the builds, and breakdowns, the jazzy chords and the lovely high frequency touches. Excellent, excellent work!

Dreamy, introspective, clean, silky flow, minimal. You did a hell of a job! Thanks for DL , already have a cozy place set aside for it in my ears.

oh wow. :slight_smile: Iā€™ve always waned to go to Tokyo. the foooooood. Plus, Iā€™m half!

Dreamy, introspective, clean, silky flow, minimal. You did a hell of a job! Thanks for DL , already have a cozy place set aside for it in my ears.

Thanks for downloading man- I hope you enjoy it!

You should definitely come over. ę—„ęœ¬čŖžćÆ大äøˆå¤«ć§ć™ć‹ļ¼Ÿ

You should definitely come over. ę—„ęœ¬čŖžćÆ大äøˆå¤«ć§ć™ć‹ļ¼Ÿ[/quote]
Someday, Iā€™m sure I will go.

By the way, it has been a while butā€¦

Iiiieā€¦ demo- nihongo o hanashimasukoto deki. sumimasenā€¦ aru jiten de benkyoshimashita, dakedooooā€¦ not recently enough, apparently haha. ><

been listening to this all day. i like it very very much. i thought of ametsub, have you heard it? thank you for the sounds.

After checking him out I see it is some organic stuff! totally loving all that found/field recordings- is that an OT in the song solitude? it has got to be!

anyway, I have been working on a more experimental album and I am glad to have found this to help inspire some ideas- thanks!

yeah, ametsub is a hidden gem. i usually lean towards more experimental stuff myself. excited to listen to more of your stuff in the future.

ametsub is blowing my mind over here, thanks for the tip man.

BTW Iā€™ve been listening to this steadily all week long. Really topnotch compositions brother, Iā€™ll have my eye out for your releases from now on.

Great stuff man - wouldnā€™t pigeonhole it as sounding like one person.
reminds of the best elements of Trentmoller, Oval, Telefon Tel Aviv, Carl Craig and a few others rolled into one.
Beautifully restrained and funky as all hell in parts also.
Wonderful :wink:

PS: Track four is pure eargasm - love, love love it :imp:
PPS: Following you on Soundcloud now and have shared the playlist on twitter.

Metamatics, Norken, not completely the same but lots of similarities.
Great reference in my book !

Juniper is one of my secret favorites. I really like the 6/4ā€¦ The song started with an experiment in alternative time signatures, and 6/4 really stuck out for me- the extra beats lets the phrase just breathe in just such a relaxed way- and I saw your shares, and returned the favor! tyvm

Metamatics, Norken, not completely the same but lots of similarities.
Great reference in my book ![/quote]
!!! I will check these artists out, these are completely unknown to me. Thanks for listening, and sharing these artists, half the battle is finding inspiration, Iā€™d say.