Ricky 'Overbridge' Tinez

Overbridge worked immediately for me with a Mac. I’d rather step in front of a bus than use Windows.


A Mac is a PC :rofl:

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Typically people understand PC to mean Windows, but I will edit to clarify. It’s just a personal thing, everyone should use what works for them, and I think it’s great we have options.

Bloody PC brigade.

Can’t say anything these days…


Big Sur is a success…every company loves it.

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Was a joke I am a Mac user as well. And actually don’t care what people use.


Same, and why I hope that companies like Elektron will keep focusing on hardware and not completely go the OB / cloudbased kinda route


I could have gone my whole life without noticing the screws

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I never used a DAW and never will do, because for music I trust only musical instruments: objects made for make music and to be played on a stage. PC and Mac are made for working time and to be used into an office. But, if one day I would need a DAW (don’t know why, it’s just an ipothesis), I would buy a PC assembled only to make music (spending a lot of moneys) and I would use it only for this exclusive purpose. Putting a DAW into your home computer is surely a pain…

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Yeah, he’s had a few videos like that recently, where he doesn’t read the manual or do his research, and then rambles on about something being shit, which gives and impression that the product is faulty when it’s just a user error. Like complaining about not being able to transpose the pads in Model:Cycles (go to Track menu, Ricky). I have zero interest in watching videos where someone struggles with hardware or software and complains for 20 minutes.


That’s exactly why I watch them.
Makes me feel better that it’s not just me alone in my room struggling with hardware and complaining.


Well good for you.

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Yep. But if making an income from YouTube videos is what you do, then you need to repeatedly churn out 15 minutes (or longer) videos to keep getting those subscribers to come back and get the algorithm to generate the funds. Doesnt matter what the content of the video actually is, just as long as it ticks the box for monetization.

So I can see how if you are one of those dudes, and you just don’t care anymore, you’d film just about anything. “Fuck it, people are still watching… so whatever”

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RMR and Haung have shared previously about the challenges of regularly producing youtube ‘product’ on a regular turn around. When you think about it as a one man band, it can’t be easy. I’ve a lot of time for Ricky - he’s like one of us - and shows how things go when working in the studio - and in line with Fin25’s sentiment, makes me feel a bit better about my own failings.


I like this guy a lot. Just shows the struggles a lot of us go through when it comes to setting up a studio, figuring out gear workflow…etc.

And I think he is right that OB gives us a glimpse of the future where we will be able to multitrack everything over 1 cable.

Reality is that its not 100% there yet due to different OS or app issues…etc. So this video actually shows more of the reality that many OB users go through, even though it’s a fantastic visionary piece of software.

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The fact that the guy makes mistakes is part of what makes him feel more human. There are many slick and highly edited channels. This just felt below threshold. I wasn’t learning from his mistakes, as he wasn’t clear enough about what was happening.

Having been in situations where I had to produce “content” on a regular basis, I know what a trap that can be. I don’t know what the feedback loop is here. Someone he respects needs to say to him, “Next time, take a couple of extra days, and do better.”


I don’t mind that he struggles and sometimes like to watch his vids, but every video he does he churns out the same simple loop. Some simple drums, 4 different jazz chords starting on the bar and maybe a sample. It rarely gets more layers. It rarely goes over a 4 bar loop.

But it usually sounds really good, I like the vibe…


Yeah, his music’s not for me, too housey for my tastes, but otherwise I like the guy.
He’s not teaching me much, and a lot of the time he’s kinda repeating himself, but his videos are just so relaxing.