Rewind fx like in Straight 808 demo 1

When I listen to this straight 808 demo 1 at around around 30 seconds… I hear some kind of Rewind. I tried to create something like this myself, but didn’t succeed. I tried to set a performance page with certain parameters…

Anyone an idea? What kind of parameters to use for this?

On the sample page, when the start parameter is higher then the end parameter, the samples are put into reverse.

off course much easier than i was thinking bout…

i like the demos especially for the fx. it makes me understand the rytm.

expected some kind of stutter fx in it… tried to simulate it with 'loop functionalogy…

Learn to use the lfo And you can make all kinds of effects!

thanks for the tip. I will do that.
I used to play with Native Instruments Maschine. There I used ‘automation’ a lot. Here I cannot find it (maybe it is there, but it’s not clear to me yet, only automation I find is ‘trig specified automation’, it feels a little different.
I think with the LFO (and maybe also on different ways), I can kind of automate.

what about p-locks? would that help :confused:

I think what u are looking for with “automation” could be the Live Recording mode in the AR…kind of…

You can live record the movements that you do on any of the encoders and parameters, this will be recorded on the current Pattern… and replayed!

Parameter locks let you change the settings of one trig in particular (keep a trig button pushed and move the encoders / parameters to set them)

And You can Slide between one parameter lock to the other…

infinite effects and possibilities there!

You could also automate whatever you like using a daw and a computer and recording all your cc changes… but this makes u use a computer and u wont be cool if u use a computer.

Yes this is true. But with only one per track you are pretty limited. I often use an lfo-pan for stereo effect/width. The what? Nothing. lol :slight_smile:

Of course. This is the way to do it. Play the beat and use the p-lock on the last couple of beats to reverse them. This would be very simple.

Yes, the ability to ‘slide’ is great. I have ‘slid’ the lfo-rate over 4 bars and back. Also great for filter sweeps.