Reverb, Distortion and Very Long Ambient Delay in the OT


I am looking to purchase an OT and want to know a bit about the effects. I usually like to use saturating reverb and very very long delays to create a heady ambient bed for ambient compositions. I read that the delay in the OT is more like a repeater, is this true? Can you get classic Reverb and Delay functioning for some deep ambient dub action? Do you know of any audio examples of this?

The delay works like a tape delay but also has a beat repeat mode. To have reverb AND delay though you need to use a neighbour machine as you can only have either reverb OR delay on one track.

The new reverbs are amazing for long ambient kinds of washes, and the delay has a lot of neat tricks up it’s leave including a delay control mode where you can play the delay timing with the trigger button. Lots of flexibility here, I think you’ll be happy.

The reverbs are fine, but the delay is very basic. It can do either straight delay or pingpong with configurable feedback and delay time. No control over the seperate delay lines, no modulation of the delay lines (well you can attach an lfo to the timing, but the minimal depth setting is already too much in most cases), no smear or grit is inserted on longer feedback signals. But still useable for long ambient sounds

I believe you can get that smear using another LFO to create an offset and letting the modulation LFO to be more subtle in modulating DelayTime.

But coming to the request of the OP …the OT’s delay is very like a repeater imo.
The feedback will never saturate (like in the MD or, at the extreme, the MM)

I really hope they put feedback values between 120 and 127 to let us having some saturation colors…having at 127 a speaker blowing echo effect :slight_smile:

the delay isn’t the same in all the units? I just assumed they were the same algorithms.

not even close :slight_smile:

the MD’s delay is intense, and will very likely blow speakers or make you deaf if you’re not careful with the feedback parameter. It screams and builds to the point of complete mayhem.

The MnM’s delay is a bit less scary, and goes into a beautiful distortion with the feedback up. A bit more controlled than the MD.

The OT’s delay is a simple repeater, and I find it very disappointing. WIth feedback at 127, it just loops the audio, with no build up. Plain and boring, in my opinion.

The A4’s is wonderful, perfect for distorted, dubbed out chords, and insane buildups with overdrive and feedback parameters up. Probably my favourite of the 4 machines, although the MD’s delay is not far behind.

Cheers !

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I’m glad they’re all different! I’ve had the MD delay go berserk on me many times. :astonished:

Agreed that the MD has one of the most crushing buildup delays ever. Jump to 4:30 in this video where I’m controlling the MD delay with a RW Minicommand. Take note that I actually stop the MD and simply rework the contents of the delay.

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Love ya!
as everytime i watch your videos and i cheesy love Neil Diamond too :joy:

Also it has to be noted that you can’t have the delay or reverbs in slot FX 1: they are only available in slot FX2, which means, you have to use a Neighbor machine and thus, another track, if you want to apply a distortion or any other effect on them. (and that’s a bit frustrating as far as I’m concerned)

Interesting! I saved this in my ever growing file of Octatrack tips. Thanks!