photo verification

I had the same a few weeks ago… After a few pedals I sold something big and apparently crossed some threshold that required me to send out a photo ID. I would’ve appreciated a warning before, so I can make up my mind whether I’d want to do this, and if so, I could’ve done it directly instead having the delay of days before my pay-out. I mean, I sold something, GAS is rising, I need to spend that cash! Quick!

Fortunately I'm not gassing for anything in particular.

Maybe a mixer with >4 stereo channels but <£1k; an end-of-chain warmer/limiter; a poly synth that’s easier to use with an OT than my Rev2; a Zen delay; maybe an A4; maybe a reverb box; an SD recorder I can leave plugged in immediately after that limiter so I don’t have to keep finding cables for my DR44; better musician-ship; more free time; better focus…

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I’m having it just now, Uploaded my ID photo and after 3 days I got the same request again although the photo was HIgh Res, so the buyer got my gear and they are holding my money based on what? … .annoying

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I agree

As soon as they pay my money I’m done with them

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