Please Elecktron, retrofit if possible Overbridge functionality on the Octatrack .
Happy to play also!
wont happen. i too would pay
Will not - money saved
yah true true!
+1 will pay, happy to pay for a DRM license fee … whatever it takes, whatever! i go to war, donate a liver, … anything … (kidding)
The Machinedrum was retrofitted.
I’d imagine there is a lot of code and raw processing power and shit needed to get Overbridge working - especially if you were routing audio out via USB as well as using the inputs at the same time. With the various o/s issues the OT has one has to assume that every bit of spare code is being used or that there simply isn’t the headroom to allow for some sort of retrofit.
My suggestion - buy a Roland Octacapture and route the audio how you see fit. I have latency down to extremely low levels with no clicks or pops, I can record all 8 inputs simultaneously, etc etc. They can be found cheap if you search long enough. I got mine for about £220. It has really opened up the OT experience for me and I’m enjoying it a lot more.
I don´t like to be pesimist, but asking to get a feature that Elektron themselves have said, it wont happen, is like asking for pain…
We all agree that it would be awsome, but lets accept the truth, they built the OT in a certain way, then found another way to upgrade the memmory limitations they were facing with the new Analog devices…
I do agree with some, that is best to find external gear that complements the OT limitations. Unless they get their new OS for the Analog series fixed, and then start to do more upgrades for the OT… which seems very unlikely…
I would be surprised if we get 2 or 3 more propper updates that will fixed all the Known bugs and obvious limitations.
Let´s hope I´m wrong!
I can record all 8 inputs simultaneously
What are you recording, besides the MAIN and CUE outs?
That’s right Baddcr, NOT all 8 from the OT!!! Sorry, should’ve been clearer on that one!
As a sort of quick run down of the current set up I have 4 inputs from the OC into the OT and then at the moment just 2 outputs from the OT into the OC. I’ll probably end up using the Cue outputs too eventually but small steps at the moment.
I do believe it is a complete pipe dream hoping for Overbridge to bring 8 ins/outs through the OT via some retrofit upgrade. Perhaps something that could re-route the currents ins/outs over USB could be done but then you are back at my conclusion that you are better off just getting an audio interface that can handle it already.
I know! I meant USB bringing the current 4 in/4 out rather than USB via Overbridge bringing full use of the 8 tracks (say 8 ins/outs) kinda like what they did with the A4/Rytm. If you get what I mean
I don’t think it has anything to do with processing power as such. There are different USB chipsets for different purposes and the OT has one but not the other, so the only way to change this would be to swap out the main PCB. I forget which specific chips it is, there’s a post of mine in some other OT overbridge thread with more detail. I’m not sure why the OT was not built in a more modular fashion or to accommodate future hardware upgrades, but my guess is that Elektron thought they had solved that issue forever with the CF slot.
They’ve always presented the machines as standalone performance devices so it’s not that surprising. They changed the build philosophy in several respect with the Analog Four and from a commercial standpoint the new direction seems to have taken off very well for them. I would sort of like Overbridge in the OT but on the other hand the whole reason it’s at the center of my setup is because I can quickly build music ideas without the computer so I’ve gotten used to working with the 4 outputs.
I agree with the posters above that the chance of this happening is virtually zero and there’s no point in torturing yourself daydreaming about it. Maybe in an OT mk2 down the line.