On the Octatrack you could use retrig to make note repetitions of really fast succession. Is this not possible with the A4? If it isnt, does anyone have any tips on a similar thing? For example to make hi hat rolls of 1/64th notes, etc
Wow thank you. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that.
Arp works well enough but I can’t step lock it. This limits the functionality a bit
You could use an LFO for this, bringing it in and setting it up via p-lock when needed. That should certainly take care of stuff like 1/64th hat rolls, and the LFO could return to normal duties once the roll is over (don’t forget you have the FX track LFOs, too). Also I guess the delay could be used for this, with the right settings. Unless I’m mistaken the envelopes can’t be looped, so these would seem to be the best two options.
Use the arp but p-lock note length to control it?
Check this thread:
Knowledge dropped.