
I can´t record retriged drums?? Is it not possible, but the write it in the getting started manual.
Or is there anywhere a possibility to turn on or off?

I’m having exactly the same problem

It’s not implemented yet. It must be coming soon though if they put it in the manual but alas not in yesterday’s update.

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Aaah I see. Can’t wait until they do - it’s going to be a bit of a game changer

please explain me the term Retrig. I usually miss some because of diff language, also I use this to ask about drum layers, what does it means or consist. its an anti synaptic comment, if you mind

Yes you can, in Grid Rec mode. Page 33… works like a charm

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Yes that’s true grid mode does work. I was referring to live recording with the retig button on the left and pressing a pad.

Thanks for mentioning that.

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it’s ones of my favorite features in maschine and having any bar division in rytm is awesome. it’s got to be a little tricky to implement since you’d need to be able to edit those somehow.

Think of Retrig as “Note Repeat”. Hold down the Tetrig button and press a pad to have that pad trigger 16th notes (or nearly any other time division). Each pad can have it’s own Retrig setting and also can be locked so it stays active. It’s mostly a live performance tool.

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The Q.START option (mentioned in the manual) is also missing.

Is there a possibility to retrig all trigs at the same time… like a note repeat for all tracks?

Retrig lock plus palm mash.

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Retrig lock plus palm mash. [/quote]
So much has been left out of manual!

Retrig lock plus palm mash. [/quote]
like :smiley:

Retrig lock plus palm mash. [/quote]
So technical, so FUTURE

Oh man!!! I was getting so frustrated that this thing wasn’t recording my Retrigs in Live Rec Mode. I was digging around trying to figure out how to turn it on. It has to come in a update. If this thing is supposed to compete with a Tempest or an MPC or Maschine for that matter this feature is pretty basic.

In the meantime I’ll use Grid Rec Mode. I’m not really sure what the Vel does in the Retrig menu. I was hoping it would do swells but it seems to just change the velocity of all the Retrigs. I don’t know what makes this any different from setting the velocity in the Note screen.

I am still cant figure out how to record retrig even in Grid Recording Mode. The sequncer is runing, I am in Grid mode, pressing Retrig and pad - the grid records nothing…

It does do swells.

The thing to bare in mind is that the pads respond to velocity & pressure so if you’re hitting the pad too hard (or too soft), depending on the settings and the desired results, you may not hear the effect. Use a combination of the VEL.CUR and the VEL settings to program swells and falls…

For a swell…
Set RETRIG to the desired rate.
Use LENGTH to specify the length of the swell
Set VEL.CUR to +127
Set the VEL setting in the Trig Menu to 1

NOW - Press the relevant Trig button OR press Function + Pad to trigger the swell exactly as programmed! (Function + Pad triggers the pad at the velocity specified in Trig Menu (VEL), regardless of how hard you hit it)

The VEL.CUR setting is bipolar, so for falls, invert both the VEL.CUR setting (-127) and the VEL setting (127), for the most pronounced effect.

…to add to this, the VEL setting in the Trig Menu only comes into play when placing trigs on the sequencer, hitting pads in combination with the function button or hitting the trig buttons when not in record mode.

When playing the pads without using the function button, the velocity at which you hit the pad overrides the VEL setting (so to speak). So for swells…you have to hit the pad soft enough to trigger the sound and then hold it to hear the swell complete.

Tip - If you press & hold the Retrig button, followed by pressing & holding the Function button, you can use the pads to audition the settings as you change them, just like using the trig buttons.

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If it helps, you also need to make sure VELOCITY TO VOL is turned on in Sound->Settings for the particular pad’s sound.

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