Retrig question

so I had a dabble at the local store. I spent almost an hour with it which gave me a better idea what this unit is about…

here my question… how are you guys using the retrig function?.. i couldn’t get it working in conjunction with the sequencer and that was kinda the point where excitement died off. does it work only for manually triggered one shots and can’t even get recorded in live record mode?.. left me somewhat baffled but I hope it was just me not knowing what I do

No. It can’t be recorded in Live mode. Yet.

There is a strong assumption here that this just hasn’t been implemented yet: we can’t do it but it’s in the manual…

But for now you have to set it up manually.

I have been using re-trig with the sequencer in Grid mode.

Say I have a kick on trigs 1, 5, 9, & 13. I want the last kick (on 13) to re-trigger. While in grid mode (I think they call it that?) I press and hold Trig 13, then press the up/down arrows (says Retrig!).

I am sure thats how I done it. :slight_smile:

Very easy if I remember correctly.

Also check out ‘SLIDE’. Thats a cool trick!

thanks for the insight - maybe they will make it work in live record mode at some point then. cheers for chiming in!