[Resolved] Digitone II Bug or User Error?

Hey everyone! I’m new to the Digitone workflow and looking for some insight about an issue I ran into that seemed like it could be a bug, but might be user error.

Essentially, I powered on my unit today and noticed that the audio output for most of the tracks in 1 of my patterns was really quiet. I checked the mixer settings and levels in the amp for the affected tracks and everything looked okay. However, whenever I manually triggered a track, the audio output was much quieter than expected.

After checking a few other things and patterns, I tried loading different sounds to the affected tracks and the issue remained. I was able to eventually resolve the issue by copying a sequence from a different pattern to the affected tracks.

I’m honestly not sure what I did to cause the issue, but strangely the issue happened again in another pattern that had previously been fine during the same session.

For context, I have about 9 patterns across 4 banks in the same project that I have been working on. During the session I did some live recording (no automation), switched between patterns, and also tweaked the global mixer a bit.

Is there something I’m missing or does anyone have any insight? Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks

Very hard to say without more info, maybe a video of the issue happening would help and showing the settings of things.

Are you connected to midi at all? could something be sending midi CCs eg to turn down the track velocity?


Thanks for the reply!

I wasn’t connected to any MIDI source during this session. Although I was previously working on the affected pattern with an Oxygen Pro 49.

I was able to narrow things down to the sequence for the tracks. Now that I’m thinking about it, the oxygen pro has some MIDI jitter with one of the faders. I don’t think I had the fader in question mapped to anything but I’ll have to check the MIDI cc for the fader to see if it could have been affecting track velocity.

Do you know if those MIDI mappings / messages persist in the tracks without having the controller connected to the MIDI in port?

Or is there any visual indication on the digitone 2 for MIDI cc messages recorded into a sequence? I can confirm I was able to see the notes I recorded in step sequence mode, but not so sure about any automation or other MIDI cc.

Thanks again! If it happens again I’ll grab a video as well.

if a midi CC is sent to change the track velocity (CC4) it will persist in the track settings and don’t require a constant midi connection, it should be visible by looking at the track velocity on the trig page, could also be various other settings that control the sound. But something to be careful with when using midi controllers, by default Digitone 2 listens for a lot of CCs and might change settings based on them. I have encountered this a bunch when my OT is connected to it.


Did you check Master Level ?

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Here are a few parameters you migh want to check:

Track volume level
Track amp level
Track velocity
Filters (in particular the bandpass filter)

Master level
Master compression: if it’s wet, check the threshold and makeup gain


Thanks for the help everyone! I believe I have figured out the issue thanks to your suggestions.

After checking out all of the above suggestions, I realized that the issue was with the trig velocity setting in the trig page. I spent some time going through my setup and finally was able to reproduce the behavior.

I didn’t note this in my earlier post, but I was also previously doing some recording in Logic (USB Audio) and it turns out that Logic will send reset messages on all MIDI channels to all available MIDI outputs when a reset command is sent. The reset messages includes CC 4 (trig velocity). This ended up setting all the trigs on my active pattern to 0.

The strange thing however, is that Logic appears to be sending these commands after I quit the software session rather than by some command. I have turned off the setting in the software, and the issue no longer occurs :slight_smile: Thanks for the help everyone! See the image below for reference:

p.s. The Digitone II is an amazing machine! It’s been so inspiring and fun to work with for sure