Request : using TRIG for muting in PERF/SCENE

Hello Elektron Team,

I would like to suggest a great feature, in my opinion : the possibility to use the trig for muting tracks, when you are in PERF or SCENE mode, instead of using the trigs for playing sound.

Same feature exist on A4, on perf mode, you can mute and unmute, it is huge to make big transition.

Elektronauts, what is your opinion ?



Would be a nice option for sure.


Great idea.


Similarly, I find I use the perf mode to build up to a scene switch, and would love to use the trigs as the scenes in the same way you describe.

An option to choose what the trigs control, that would be great.

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Yes ! Global option : trig = play sounds or mute/unmute tracks or scene !
Could be a very huge option !

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+10 was just thinking about this. Too cumbersome to move from perf to mute. Figure I would set up scenes so I could rock a perf and jump over and switch a scene quicker than unmuting 5 tracks but still cumbersome and don’t want to use up my scenes this way either…

This is a fantastic idea +1000


Yes please!

great idea!
trig con and enable scenes/perfmode sel slot in LFO would be also be awesome

I wonder if this is still on the radar. To be consistent with the a4, the AR could have the trig buttons act as mute switches in scene/perf mode. I have the rytm since day 1 but still miss that feature.

exactly my thoughts - the first thing that i was missing when i got my hands on rytm is something like quick mute from octatrack.


It would mean sacrificing the playing step indicator.

MD gets around this by putting 4 blocks beneath the BPM that indicate currently played quarter notes.

Not sure that Rytm has room on the screen for that.

If this is implemented, I would prefer it to be as an optional function in the KIT menu, (a’la legacy FX sends, or A4 resonance boost), as users like myself need the playing step lights for visual feedback cues on patterns with odd time signatures & polyrhythms.


This feature is also on the a4 in perf mode. No reason why it would not work like this on the ar imho. The visual play step thing could easily be solved by either going out of perf/scene mode, or work with dimmed lights for the play steps.

Really miss this feature too. One of the first things, when i got my rytm, was to connect an external MIDI controller to it and map the Performance pads. It’s okay this way, but would be cooler without the need of a separate MIDI controller.

Sacrificing the transport indication is nothing compared to losing the ability to play the track sounds.

I do agree it could be useful in either the scene or performance mode, maybe as an option though, i’d probably agree with the Elektron thinking that playing the sounds is more useful to me than muting tracks

Playing sounds should still be available in the other modes. In performance mode, it should have mutes, just like the A4 imho.

If you want to make a buildup using the performance pads and then mute stuff to create a transition, it’s not possible within the same pattern. You’d have to setup a new pattern with some tracks removed. This kills the workflow and forces you to think ahead instead of creating a performance on the fly.

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