Replace OT crossfader?


I think I will need to replace my crossfader on my OT soon since it
acts exactly like described here:

Is there any news on where to buy spare parts/ solving this problem here?

Hi Marius,

I was a contributor to that thread.

I never got anywhere with trying to source my own replacement. The three places I contacted never replied to me.

I ended up sending my unit back to Elektron as it was still under warranty.

Once it’s out of warranty and it happens again I’ll probably just open up my OT and give the fader a good clean. I suspect that what generally happens is that dust/dirt gets on the mechanism because of the open slot.

It might be worth you trying that but obviously only attempt it if you’re confident enough with dismantling the machine. That also may invalidate your warranty so you might want to check with Elektron first if your machine is still within the warranty period.

I had the same. Elektron sent me a new fader and I replaced it myself. The replacement is very easy. This will void your warranty though, but if you are like I was back then, close to the end of your warranty, it’s a good deal.

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Mine did this, jumping back to the center when pushed to one end ( scene A side for me).
I took the crossfader out and on each end there is a screw that sets the end stop. I adjusted the corresponding screw in a touch and put it all back together.
It’s been perfect ever since.

You can see the small black slotted head screw in the image neilbaldwin posted on that eu thread.

I don’t recommend doing this if you’re OT is still under warranty, or if you’re not happy with fixing electronics/computers etc.

Having said that, it’s really not difficult, if you can fit a graphics card you should be fine. This biggest issue is that there isn’t much spare length on the ribbon cables that connect the control surface to the main board, so be careful when you lift it off…


I have not fixed it eversince, since the machine is still usable nevertheless it only reacts diffrent BUT… now I got used to how the fader is and adjusted all my scenes to that jumping effect.

Now I am worrying instead what will happen if my “broken” fader will break?!
Haha, creatives …

I’ve not opened mine up, but does anyone know if this fader can be swapped out completely for one of the numerous alternative crossfaders?

For instance, an optical crossfader or one that can be switched between linear or exponential crossfading. These are very, very common in the turntablism world, and it would actually open up a lot of possibilities if this were an option for the OT.

I remember contacting Elektron about this possibility long, long ago, but got a fairly vague answer that essentially suggested that was not in their plans. Plus, the OT will likely never get any substantial software updates anyways.

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This exact problem happened to me over the last few days and this solution seems to have worked. I had to turn the little black grub screw quite a few turns until it just started to stick out of the other side, thus stoping the red sled from fully returning 100% to the black wall piece. Many thanks!

Just to help avoid anyone potentially wasting their time it should be noted that this is only relevant to the MKI crossfader, the MKII has a different design and is a self-contained unit with no grub-screw adjustment :ok_hand:

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brought to you by the kind people at natehorn in partnership with the simple screw council and the domestic bureau for better beats.