Replace my PSU for AR MK1 but they’re out of stock?

Hey hey

Quick summation of my life as of late. Got hit real hard in NYC by flash floods from hurricane Ida. I lost my car and my apartment. I’ve been homeless ever since and have been bouncing from place to place trying to figure out what to do. Sob story not withstanding- I’m trying to sell all of my gear to raise funds. There was about 6 inches of water in my apartment so my desk full of synths was safe. Sadly my guitars didn’t fair so well, but that’s a different story. Also I did NOT have renters insurance.

ANYWAY - the one thing that I didn’t notice until today was that - where as my Analog Rytm mk1 was completely safe on my desk. It’s power supply was on the floor and was submerged in gross flood water for a few hours. My AR does not power on. Went on and apparently replacement PSU’s are out of stock. Does anyone have a line on where I can find a proper power supply for my AR? I would like to play it a few more times before selling it as it is my favorite of all elektron boxes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Put a support ticket in they may assist that way.

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Sorry to hear about your situation. Damn. Hope you can get back to normal again soon.
Anyways heres a PSU for 50 bucks. I just googled “Analog Rytm PSU”, and a couple places have them.


i hope, you’ll find a better life in future. actually, you can use any PSU with 12v 2a for your AR. just carefully look at the connector of PSU. it should looks similarly with your original connector.