Reloading a set/project to the original state?

I have been downloading the dubstep demo from elektron website.
I have mounted the set and played with it for a while and would now like to reload it, but OT says it hasnt been saved so its not necessary to reload it.
But i would really like to start playing with it all over again from the “beginning”. As in return to the default/original state. I have tried to turn OT on and off but i still remembers the changes. Anyone can help me?

Does Function + Cue do what you want?

Reload the downloaded project to the CF. Thing about the OT is that if you do not create a restore point (save) for a project, you cannot reload it to it’s previous state. This has gotten me a few times when saving to a new projects and making changes. No restore point set… Good thing I had the originals.

Ah, so i should have saved it before starting to play with it, to set a restore point. That makes sense. Thanks a lot. I will try the function + Cue as well and see what happens :joy: