Reload Bank - All gone?!

Seems I had not saved the current bank when I pressed Reload Bank in Project menu.

I guess a week of work is now gone?

Please help! I’m freaking out here :frowning:

Have you tried reloading the project?

The problem is, I don’t remember the last time I saved the whole project.

Or would that restore everything to the state of my latest startup?

So am I screwed? :zonked:

So could anyone give me a straight answer?

Is there a way to undo my bank reload? I have not saved the project in a long time.

Please someone… I need a closure!

First things first, copy your project to a computer! Then you can try whatever you like without fear of making things worse., but my guess is that you have lost the bank.

My guess as well.

I could try that, But seems lika a long shot.

Thank you!