Redundant question: When is Overbridge coming for OCTATRACK?

Just checking in with Elektron & all the OT users, I finally made the commitment and bought a MK2 and I don’t know why I didn’t pay close enough attention and didn’t realize that overbridge doesn’t support OT. Regardless I’m very happy to dive into the complexity of the OT without overbridge. It would be nice though
To know if there are any Windows computer applications to enable me to prepare/set up my project ahead of time; (parts, audio pool, banks, patterns, fx, parameters, trig conditions, etc.) and then of course save it to the card, so when I turn it on and load project everything is there ready to go and perform?

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To avoid any confusion for any unfolding discussion - it is categorically impossible on OT

welcome nonetheless …


Check Octaedit.

  1. forget it, enjoy what you have :wink:
  2. follow that thread:

Absolutely enjoy it! Now I will grab Octaedit

Reading about Octaedit , the v2 beta version works with OT 1.4 update, anyone else use it?

… in future aim to keep chats tidy :thup:

Check the OctaEdit thread, any questions, feel free to ask me there, or pm me. I’d advise waiting for the v2 release which will fully support OSv1.4


OK as soon as it comes out let me know

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Just keep an eye on that thread, or if you use Facebook then OctaEdit page.

I’m sure (I hope) there will be a flurry of activity when v2 is released.


Also: It's Not Overbridge for the Octatrack, but It's Close Enough | Emil Smith - Creative Tech Lead