Reduce clickin/popping when loop on the OT?

I remember this being a topic back in the day as well - is there any way to reduce the amount of envelope popping/clicking you get when looping a sample you’ve loaded into the OT? I’m trying to make my OT play back samples in loops as smoothly as the Rytm does, but I just can’t figure out any workable setting - it’s just click-o-rama regardless of amp/envelope-settings.

Anyone know of a workaround that doesn’t require meticulous audio editing and slicing?

Honestly, the only 2 ways to reduce the clicks is the envelopes or meticulous editing. I could be wrong, and I’d love to find out that I am and learn something new!

Yeah, I’m afraid you’re right.

Why can’t the looping be set to retrigger the envelope when the sample loops? That would solve the problem.

For now I just have to set a bit of attack and just semi “loop” by placing more triggers to re-trig the samples from the sequencer. That works, but isn’t the ideal solution.

Didn’t realize the looping doesn’t retrigger the envelope. That’s so stupid. For all of the awesome innovation of Elektron, sometimes they make some ridiculously stupid decisions on their gear.

Seems normal to me.
Audio Editor fade in / out can be looped.

Loops can loop perfectly with OT if well prepared, preferably same tempo (no timestretch). Beware of stereo loops, zero crossing can be different on each channel.

Old topic with some links…

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Fair enough. The option to retrigger or not should be given, then.

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In that case I want envelope retrigging with Retrigs too! :slight_smile:
(Microtiming page Trig Count does retrig envelope).