Recording Mute Actions

I wish it were possible to record mute actions? It wouldn’t even be necessary to have a Mute ON/OFF function built into the sequencer… just have mute actions (in record mode) subtract from the sequence.

For example, I wish I could lay down 16 steps & then flicker the Mute on & off and have then subtracted sequence remaining…

I’ve been wanting this for at least 8 years now… why not? this would add an AMAZING dimension to the machine(s).


I remember people being very unhappy with the MnM sound…

I’m not that enthralled with my a4s sound either but expect it will take time

(like the MnM did) for me to really find it sounds.

Hm, definitely a topic that will get people who want to rationalize their expensive purchase defensive. But worth discussing.

I have the AR and mostly think it sounds good. The kicks are great, which is a big part of it for me. I’ve been using the BT to make kicks and it knocks in a way that I keep coming back to. Got some good sounds out of the Classic machine too, but haven’t really explored the other kicks as deeply.

Anyway, for the rest of the voices, I’m finding that in general, I used to get quicker usable sounds with the Tanzbär I had (my only analog point of reference). BUT 1) I’m slowly finding sweet spots as I learn the AR, and more importantly 2) adding samples gives me everything I want.

There are so many possibilities with samples! At the simplest level, if I start from a snare sample I liked, I can add in velocity sensitivity on the layered synth snare part and get a really vibrant sound. And doing simple modulations (a slow LFO to the decay time of a layered clap) gets me great sounds.

For what it’s worth, I also owned the A4 and sold it, without regrets. I think it’s really cool and liked the interface and dig what other people are doing with it, but the core sound just didn’t speak to me. In contrast, I’m finding ways to get something that excites me out of the AR.

Note: when I posted my previous response, the topic name and initial post were different! It was a post about the lifeless sound of the AR

Yeah, what the heck? I tried posting another thread but I think I deleted my first one by accident?
Delete this thread, mods! Thanks.