Recording aftertouch and modulation from external keyboard

I have a Keystep connected to the Digitone via midi. The key step is using channel 16 which is the auto channel. So when I select each track it plays and I can hear aftertouch and any modulation set up for that tracks sound. I can monitor the aftertouch changes on the sound setup page.
Can I record the modulation/aftertouch changes from the Keystep whilst in live record mode. The note data is recorded, but I haven’t worked out how to record any aftertouch/modulation.
Thanks for your help. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn’t find the answer.

Can’t be done and elektron aren’t going to add it.

Try using midi loopback. Set up a midi cable connected from the digitone output to the digitone input, and a midi track set to control a synth track. Then live record onto your midi track.


That was my suspicion after reading the manual several times.
Thanks for the response. Will keep on playing.

Is this seriously a thing? I just tried recording with AFT and no modulation was recorded. Wtf is the point of having all that routing if you can’t even use the damn thing?


Do aftertouch , velocity can’t be recorded ?

Velocity can be from an external keyboard.

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Thanks . I will have to try in the studio

…even on the keys version this is still hardly missing…

…aftertouch recording will come…

…but since the mod wheel can offer so much multiple options in mappings, pretty much like the cross fader on the ot, i’m not sure if they are able to implement the option to realtime record all this into sequencer lanes also…

but ob can capture all ur realtime fuzzeling around straight into wav files…
it’s a live thing…so not bothering the sequencer with all this overload might be the better solution…and leave all this in peace to harddisc recordings only…

Can someone help me understand the current state of this?

I’m about to buy an SL Mk2 with aftertouch, pitch-bend, mod wheel etc.
I also have a Micromonsta 2 attached to my Digitone.

What is it that can’t be done with aftertouch?

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you can play all your sounds live with at, pb and mw but it won’t be recored into the DT sequencer - it really is only a live feature
edit - for clarification, the notes and velocity will be recorded, just these said features won’t be