Recorded trig weirdness / tutorial how to record one trig exter

hey there guys

i have started at least 1 more thread regarding the recorder trig bugginess which is occuring in my OT

here my question today …

I successfully recorded a 1 shot rec trigger from my A4 to my input CD on Track 5 with Recorder 5.

After Recording I sometimes do not hear the sample being played back when I press FN+YES in Sample Menue. However after a minute, maybe less, I can review it!

does the order matter of how you push the buttons before recording?

track 5, red, double press Track5, select R5 Recording5, press No, Hit COPY (red light on) —> is it now important if I select Armed or not?<----
press Trig /Step 1 to make it red, hit FN Trig 1 to make it yellow, hit FN + A —B Record Setup, now it flashes yellow, Select input C+D, RLEN 16, Trig ONE SRC3 -, LOOP ON … the recorder trig is still blinking… .should it not just be yellow without pulse?

goddamnit, i follow my own tutorial, and it is not recording!

now i hit the trig1 button to have it not flashing yellow and will press play …

now I can see that the triangle is on the upper side of the black bar so it should have recorded , right?

if i double press T5 and want to preview my recording … now it worked …

i exit the menue, go to T5, the trig 1 is still flashing yellow… hit it once, yellow constantly, hit it again, it is red, i assume this will play the recorded and assigned sample … and it does …

this outcome rarely happens and makes me wanna throw my OT into the garbage …

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The OT recording process is rock-solid and repeatable all day long.

From what you’ve written I can’t tell if you fully understand recording trigs vs. playback trigs. Changing trigs from yellow to red or in reverse has nothing to do with it. There are separate subtracks per track (trigs, slide, swing, and rec.trig). To see them, enter grid mode (by pressing Rec) and then hit Func+Edit to reveal the Rec.Trg track.

Also, sell it to me before you toss it in the trash :imp:

I got pretty lost in your explanation as well, but I think Allerian has the right idea that you’re getting your recording trigs and playback trigs confused.

This is the youtube video you want to watch:


hey allerian and hooper … this video is where the confusion began! …grrrr … sometimes works, sometimes not, i cannot make out where my mistake is …

what is the difference between armed and unarmed trigs?

thanks guys …

hey Trabant i think you are getting confused because this video does not talk about re- arming trigs.

There are different routines for one shot recorder trigs and one shot sample trigs.

There are also several ways to arm and disarm both kinds of trigs and i think you are getting further confused because you are looking in the wrong place for visual feedback as to the current state of each. Read and re-read this section of the manual and practice them till they become second nature…

an armed trig means that it will be activated when the sequencer passes it , either to trigger a sample or to trigger recording. disarmed trigs will have no effect.

One shot trigs trig a sample or a track recorder only once. They are especially useful when using the Octatrack as a backing track machine, as they for example can trig very long Static samples without retrigging them once the pattern loops. This trig type is also availa- ble to recorder trigs. One shot trigs are not available to MIDI tracks.
If a track contains several one shot trigs, all one shot trigs of that track will be disarmed once one of the one shot trigs has been activated by the sequencer. This extends to the tracks of other patterns as well. If a one shot trig has been trigged on track 1 of pattern A01, any one shot trigs on the first track of patterns A02-P16 will also be disarmed.
One shot trigs are entered by pressing [FUNCTION] + the [TRIG] key of an existing sam- ple trig. The LED will change from red to yellow, indicating the trig now is now a one shot trig. One shot trigs that have been activated by the sequencer are indicated by alternating yellow and red LEDs. Quickly pressing [STOP] + [STOP] while the sequencer is stopped, power cycling the Octatrack or changing projects will re-arm all one shot trigs. The [STOP] + [STOP] behavior can be disabled in the PERSONALIZE menu. Read more on page 33.
There exists several ways of arming and disarming one shot trigs. While in GRID RECORDING mode and either the RECORDING SETUP menus or the TRACK TRIG EDIT menu with REC TRIG chosen, is active, all one shot recorder trigs of the active track will be re-armed when pressing [ENTER/YES]. The text “ARM REC TRK” will be visible. The one shot recorder trigs will keep re-arming for as long as the key is held. Note that one shot sample trigs will not be affected. This way of arming and disarming can be disabled in the PERSONALIZE menu. Read more on page 32.



Pressing [TRACK] + [ENTER/YES] will also re-arm all one shot recorder trigs of a track. The one shot recorder trigs will keep re-arming for as long as the key combination is held. Pressing [TRACK] + [EXIT/NO] will disarm all one shot recorder trigs of a track. These operations can be performed even if GRID RECORDING mode is not active. Nor do the RECORDING SETUP menus or the TRACK TRIG EDIT menu have to be open.
While in GRID RECORDING mode and no particular menu is open, all one shot sample trigs of the active track will be re-armed when pressing either [ENTER/YES] or [FUNC- TION] + [ENTER/YES]. The text “ARM TRK” will be visible. Pressing either [EXIT/NO] or [FUNCTION] + [EXIT/NO] will disarm one shot sample trigs of the active track. The text “DISARM TRK” will be visible. Note that one shot recorder trigs will not be affected. Arming and disarming by simply pressing [ENTER/YES] and [EXIT/NO] can be disabled in the PERSONALIZE menu. Read more on page 32.
If GRID RECORDING mode is not active, all one shot trigs, both recorder and sample vari- ants, of all tracks will be re-armed when pressing either [ENTER/YES] or [FUNCTION] + [ENTER/YES]. The text “ARM ALL” will be visible. Arming one shot trigs in this way can be done while the sequencer is running. Similarly, pressing either [EXIT/NO] or [FUNCTION] + [EXIT/NO] can be used to disarm all one shots trigs. Arming and disarming by simply pressing [ENTER/YES] and [EXIT/NO] can be disabled in the PERSONALIZE menu. Read more on page 32.

…you are arming a one shot sample trig thinking you have armed the one shot recorder trig. sometimes you are in the correct place to arm the one shot recorder trig however…that is why it works for you intermittently.

hey zeropoint,

i think this is exactly what is happening … i wasnt aware of these 2 minor almost unnoticable differences! grrrrrrrrr, bad octatrack, bad bad bad swedish usersmanual!

coming from the A4 and MD, I used to feel priviledged and elitarian by being able to use these machines with that level of complexity, i guess it is no different with the OT … and the AR around the corner … and the MnM in storage, to not have to learn too many machines at once… sigh

thanks zeorpoint, will look for these 2 different things in the manual! … making progress, only want to trash the OT twice an hour, not 5 times a month ago

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no worries man. i hear what you’re saying about the manual.

they really should have separated the two trig types out under two separate headings (one shot sample trigs/one shot recorder trigs) rather than lumping them all in together .

you should find you get your sampling down nice and easy now though…

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