Ok, I’m confused.
I recorded a sample, then trimmed it and sliced it. I press exit and then goto slices mode however, the sample is gone?. I goto the recorder to edit sample and see the sample i trimmed is gone?.
What am I doing wrong?.
Ok, I’m confused.
I recorded a sample, then trimmed it and sliced it. I press exit and then goto slices mode however, the sample is gone?. I goto the recorder to edit sample and see the sample i trimmed is gone?.
What am I doing wrong?.
How are you doing the recording (i e are the recorder trigs OneShots)?
Is the sequencer running while you´re trimming and slicing this sample?
Or do you have the recorder trig in the beginning of the step sequencer?
That could be overwriting the buffer again: if you haven´t saved the sample inbetween, deactivated/dis-armed the recorder trig and loaded that sample (playback) at same step instead?
Thanks,I don’t have a recorder trig on the recorder track if that makes sense. Every time I crop it and then say for example press play it records the beat I made and overwrites the sample from my vinyl sample I recorded?
However, that (the bold text in your quote) seems to indicate for me that it might still having a recorder trig after all?
I don´t know how familiar you are (or are not) with the OT and its OS-structure, so forgive me if I´m telling things that are perfectly clear for you already. I´m just trying to help you out to nail down where the problem lies…
You are not talking about not having a playback trig somewhere in the step sequencer (which can be seen in the grid recording mode = rec button)?
Recorder trigs would be found if you (still in grid recording mode) press and hold function while pressing Record/Setup A/B or C/D (the small red buttons). A thing to remember (that works for me at least): you´ll always see the “recording tape” graphics in the screen whenever you´re dealing with any variation of the recorder trigs in the grid recording mode. Everything else would be any variation of playback trigs in the grid recording mode…
Thank you for the reply and I appreciate the help, but I still don’t understand why its wiping my sample with the beat i created on the other tracks?
I have
3.hi hat
I checked there’s no recorder trig as well, I recorded the sample again then sliced it up. However, not sure if this helps when I choose slices mode no slices are avalaible despite checking slice is on and the recorder is choosen?
Really confused.
Hmmm… don´t know what it could be that doesn´t work for you. Let´s break the workflow down into pieces, to see if I´m following you here. Is it:
An external sample (recorded via inputs to which recorder track buffer?), is sliced into sections of:
[li]hi hat[/li]
Are these then saved to be able to load them to different tracks and then play the tracks (one for kick, next for snare and so on)? That is:
[li]kick = track 1[/li]
[li]snare = track 2[/li]
[li]hi hat = track 3[/li]
Is the recorder (= track 4?) using its own recorder buffer? And is that one separated from what recorder buffer the sample where recorded to first (before slicing the sample)?
Is the sole purpose of the recorder (track 4?) to “live record” your triggering of kick, snare and hi hat (thus turning part of the OT into a “drummachine”)? If so which output does this recorder listen to?
If I´m totally wrong here above, try to break it down and describe it the same way as I´ve done here. Try to describe each step as clear as possible, every little detail may matter. I am certain that we will solve it sooner or later…
And to any other elektronauts who have a hunch of what the problem might be, feel free to chime in!