Record MIDI input?

I just got my Juno-60 outfitted with MIDI. I’ve been trying to figure out how to, or even if it’s possible to record MIDI data being received by the MNM. I’d like to be able to play my Juno, and have the MNM record the notes played. I can’t tell if I’m just missing something in the way I have my routing set up (which doesn’t seem too complicated), or if I’m trying to do something that’s not even possible.

I’ve gone through the manual and it does not say anything specifically about recording MIDI, though it does talk about sending MIDI. I also tried the SEARCH on this site, but the way this form displays search results really sucks balls.

p.s. I’m a bit of a MIDI novice.

if the Juno-60 keyboard is sending MIDI out, then you should check the MIDI settings on the MnM and make sure your channels are set properly, other than that, i don’t think there’s much needed to be done at the MnM end. also, check which channel is the Juno-60 sending data to

I think you would need to have both midi in and out connected between machines and have the Monomachine in record mode. I haven’t got a midi controller to test this but I hope it helps somewhat.

Thanks guys. Your replies confirm that this should be as easy as I thought. Hmmmm…

I think I need to start with fresh project, and try it again. I must be missing some small detail, I"m sure…

…is your rec led flashing on the MnM whilst playing the notes from the Juno? (asking just for the sake of it…)

^^ you just need to plug out from Juno to in MnM and choose the same channel for both gear. Then press rec/play on mono and play on Juno.

You can have up to for notes per trig (MnM record polyphonie and restitute it) and even have several patterns being created one after another without stoping play on Juno. You just have to chain patterns, before recording.
This way ou can obtain up to 16 pattern x4 bars… long enough to create a whole song.
then you just have to play with differents patterns witch are parts of your song.

havfun guy