"Record" button anxiety

Have you ever noticed how the fact of recording is being a disturbance in your jams?
How do you overcome this?


record more. only way out =)


Always be recording


nice one, then have you ever noticed that the fact that the jam is not actually being recorded makes it kinda unique “once in the history of the universe” event, which makes you more inspired? How to achieve such inspiration while recording?

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I was thinking about it but, that will give me Ton of material to navigate right?

Hard drives are cheap…


Get someone to secretly record you. Or just buy an Echo and ask Amazon to send you anything you want to hear again.


seconding this, just keep at it till it doesnt register.

If you wanted to get really picky about things, the specific configuration of every particle in the universe is unique to every moment in time, so in some respects theres never a repeat performance, even playing back a static recording.


nice one!

Talk to a doctor :wink:

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Or even worse: “play” button anxiety


Nah, I just don’t do that :slight_smile:

in my country doctors don’t provide that kinda treatment, but thanks for trying to be helpful anyway :wink:

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Yea I agree with recording yourself more. Make a habit of pressing record at the beginning of every session. I had the same issue. I would play great, hit record & immediately mess up. It’s like it adds extra pressure even though it really shouldn’t.

There are a few things you can do to when it comes to going thru your recordings. If you hit record at the beginning of your session & just leave it recording your whole session, I think it’s best to go thru it right away, when it’s fresh in your mind, makes it faster to go thru the audio & delete the stuff you don’t want to keep. Another thing I do - If I made something I know I won’t want to keep, I delete the audio right then & start recording again. Of course this takes time as well, but not much time, you get more used to making the “recorder” a habit in your sessions & less stuff to go thru later.

Another thing is you don’t HAVE to listen to everything you recorded or keep it all. At the end of the session I’m sure you’ll remember what you liked best / what sounded best, so just keep that & delete the rest.


hey, glad someone finally could relate to my issue. Thanks for such an extensive reply, appreciate it! Definitely will try to incorporate

With the Octatrack, you can set it to always be recording a rolling loop. Just disable the recording trig when you do something you like.

I use AudioShare on iOS to record sessions. It’s easy to run through and clip bits out, and delete the rest. I too mess up immediately I start doing a “serious” recording, but as I do it more and more I forget the recording and focus on playing.

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Very nice idea with the OT - thanks! And how to you route the sound to an iphone?

Depends on the iPhone model. I actually record to an iPad, via a usb audio interface/mixer. If the iPhone has a jack, you can probably get away with running a cable between the two.

& like others are saying, the more you record yourself the more you get used to it & feel comfortable with it

+1 for the “always record” approach.