Record ableton sequence in a4 with preroll /count

Hello electronauts, i have some sequences created in ableton i want to record them in a4 how can i sync the record . so i want to record only the 16 steps …manually sync start / stopping recording is difficult. it is possible to have atomatic start stop record only one pass?

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I don’t believe there is any automated way of doing it. I usually just hit play and record + play on the a4 at the same time. If I end up being off by a step (or two), I just switch to grid record mode and shift the sequence back however many steps using FUNC + LEFT arrow. A bit of a pain, but it isn’t too difficult to do. I’d love to have LIVE REC pause until transport is received as well.

I found this:


For the recording start you can also check MULTI MAP, PAT(TERN) PLAY.
Maybe it works in Live Recording mode.
Didn’t try.

For the recording end I’d send a Stop message from Ableton.
You can also chain an A4 dummy pattern, stop the recording during it.

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…if it’s playin’ tricks on ur mind…go for manual…

let the sequence run looped in ableton…

listen for a few rounds…get ready to catch it on a4…keep listening…and then, well…catch it…
drop in…drop out…like oldschool tape operators did for decades whenever there was need for corrections in dubbing…
and since this is catching midi only…and not audio on tape…where u can fuk it up totally if u only miss the drop out point once…u’ll be fine…
might take a few tries…but hey, that’s only sharpening ur skills… :wink:

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If the midi notes are all on the grid, enable quantization and even if you are sloppy with hitting [Rec]+[Play] to enter live record mode the notes will end up on the correct steps. If you are super sloppy and the notes end up one step too late, press [Func]+[Left Arrow] to move all trigs to the left.

For midi notes not on the grid, it might take a few rounds or even some manual corrections, but I bet if you try it, you´ll get better at hitting the buttons at the right moment.