Record AB vs CD

hi all

new to OT … watched all the tutorials I could find. … also I am half way though the manual, and I searched the forum …


MD left into input AB on OT which is in middle then A4 on right foing into the OT CD inputs

I manage to record my MD to AB to the rec AB thing,

but my record CD thing looks much different, and I cannot manage to use the CD recorder buffer to record my incoming A4 signal which is going into the CD inputs of the OT

changing the listen to CD (not AB) seems not to work :frowning:

why do the 2 recorder (AB and CD) look differently?

OS 1.25

thanks for all help!

You have to choose the Input CD on the First Screen. Second encoder.
The page you get when pressing CD is for advanced options (like quantize)

I mean on what you call the AB Recorder Page is for both Inputs. Same with the Second page (CD).
On AB page you choose inputs for the track recorder (any combination)

thank you pmoldzio … now it works! cant believe how compicated that is … also makes a difference on my setup whether i use AB or A+B as input … works better if I do not have the PLUS sign in the middle

thanks for your help!

As far as I know, the A B means the channels have been hard panned left and right.
The A+B means the signal has been summed.
…yep this thing is a black rabbit hole sometimes.
Better finish the other half of the manual!

for whatever reason when I mess with the balance knobs on other tracks and other samples etc … left is right and right is left. i dont know which cables are wrong (no too much to try out, I know …) but, I assume I could cancel out the phase when I have AB vs A+B selected … hard guess here, i have actually no idea how this would be logic or feasable …

2nd half of manual… gooooood idea … !

Maybe you just wired you monitors wrong.
Had Same problem but was used to it till i got a new StereoSynth:)

no I have the problem again…dont know what I did when it worked once, maybe it didnt at all?

i can record my input from my MD from AB but not from A4 which comes input CD … (a4 sounds fine through the OT)

tried various times, mixer setup all the same, all volume up …

when I record only from MD from input AB and have also the inputs C D assigned (without + in the middle)

only the sound from input AB is recorded …

all thoughts and help is appreciated … spending over 2 hours on trying to create a sample from input CD

Are you trying to use 1 or 2 tracks on the OT to record these 2 diff inputs?

Like, maybe this:
Track 1 has rec buffer 1 assigned to it. In the recording set-up for track 1 inputs A B are turned on, all else off.
Track 2 has rec buffer 2 assinged to it. In recording set-up for track 2 turn on the C D inputs, all else off.
When wanting to sample the inputs to A B, push and hold Track 1 button as well as the A B record button.
When wanting to sample inputs C D, push and hold Track 2 and press the C D record button.

Just re-read your original post.
The Recording Menu is per Track, not per input.
So, for instance if you were on Track 1, pressing Record Set-up A B refers to recording menu page 1 of track 1, and pressing Record Set-up C D will refer to recording menu TWO of Track 1.
It does not actually do anything regarding how the inputs of C D are handled, as it sound you might (rightfully) imagine.
The assignment of input listening sources is done by pressing Record Set-up A B, PER TRACK.
Hope this helps!

allright … slept 8 hours … back to the black box with new energy …

  1. i turn on OT A4 MD … all sonds are properly leveled

in mixer menu of OT Main + Cue is + 10 …the rest is turned up all the way.

Q1 … do I have to change anything in the FN+ Mixer --Control section ?

in audio Track B is set to Normal
Cue VFG is set to Normal

I didnt change any of the other settings so far …

  1. Track 1. double tap, R1 , I press YES , it asks me load file to recordign 1, I press exit/no

  2. Track 2, double tap, R2, I press YES, it asks me load file to recording 2, I press EXIT/NO

  3. FN + Record AB for TRACK 1 (red light Track 1 is on)

I choose for INAB = A B
INCD = -
Rlen = 16
Trig = ONE
SRC3 = -

  1. fwiw: i have MD and A4 running right now and the green lights a–b and c–d signaling the inputs light up beautifully)

  2. I hit Track 2, red light on Track2 is on

  3. FN Record A—B (the display top shows Recording 2 Setup 1)

          INAB = -
          INCD = C D 
          RLEN = 16
          TRIG   = ONE
           SRC3 = -
         LOOP  =  ON
  4. I hit YES … display message says ARM ALL

  5. I press STOP on OT (which is master and hence stops A4 and MD)

  6. I press Play on OT NOT in REC mode (REC is OFF (the button left from the play button)

  7. being still in the Recording 2 Setup on TRack 2 with red light on and all inputs receiving signals

I press Track 2 AND Record A — B button together

The display shows 2 arrows /triangles which race from left handside to the right handside …

I release the Track 2 AND Record buttons before the 2 racing little triangles right before they reach the end

  1. I hit NO

  2. I double tap Track 2, and in the selection menu is is still on R2, the BPM is set to 100 (which is actually my tempo, the size is 2.69, i am confident there has been something recorded)

  3. i want to preview the sound and press FN + YES

  4. I hear nothing

  5. I press NO and hit the Copy/Record button (left from the play button) and I see there is a trig placed on step 1

  6. I turn down MD and A4 and hit play on OT, I hear nothing

  7. I plug my headphones into headphone out and cue out and listen if placing a trig lets me hear anything, no…I also check if I hear anything on headphone out , or cue out when I double tap track 2 and press FN + Yes and CUE + Yes, but I dont hear anything

  8. that being the first action after making coffee. I have another coffee and question my love for electron

  9. I repeat my actions for track 1

I am in the normal menu, not in FN + REC A --B … hit Track 1 + Record A—B for a brief moment, double Tap Track1 to preview the recording with FN + Yes and I can hear that the MD had been recorded!

wht the heck? why cant I record my A4 ?

thanks nakedbob for your time, also thanks pmoldzio

When you are still in the Recording Menu (Func + AB) you have to place recorder-trigs!

When exiting the recording menu you have to place normal playback triggers for each track recorder to play.
Remember: Every Track has its own recordertriggers and playbacktriggers.

When you press the trackbutton + for example the AB Button you start recording immediately. I prefer recorder triggers.

You guys are playing Street Fighter at pro level :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe this is all too basic for you but you’re welcome to clarify things as well :wink:

@shoki … be a bro lend me a hand! i am seriously tinking of sending the OT in cos I doubt recording from input CD is broken …


I set a recording trig as you set … now I manage to record something and play it back when i double tap Track2 and hit FN YES …

but once i am in Track 2 and want to play back the recorded sound, it doesnt play … using flex machine …

thanks a lot pmoldzio for pointing me into the right direction with the recorder trig … how could I have overlooked that ?

hurray and fuck that! and thanks!

I thought you wanted A4 on Track 2 - you should press T2+CD
you’ve recorded nothing when you did that, you set AB to nil on the rec setup for T2
That’s your problem, i think !

EDIT: i’ve actually repeated what nakedbob already told you !

Far and away the most confusing OT recording thread ever. It can seem complex but like most things OT it is much simpler than many make it out to be.

Input goes in, trig the recorder. I will go over this in some depth at the Midwest OT workshop.

Edit: Maybe I’m missing it - does the OP ever mention setting his track to the appropriate flex recorder buffer?

For me it’s totally clear but i’m not a native speaker and maybe therefore not good at explaining…
I think i better keep on reading instead of writing and unnecessarily complicate stuff. :wink:


hi all … i am also not a native speaker,

@pmoldzio, you have explained so far VERY well!


I was told to NOT press C—D Record, but use the A—B Record button, but assign Recorder buffer 2 to Track 2 (which I did) (and on the recorder bugger setup choose CD)

@allerian: I am glad your OT workshop is taking place, but its some 35000 miles away from my place :frowning: … and yes, I did set my track to the appropriate flex recorder buffer (number 2)
