you can sample the master (all inputs of the OT) when pressing the Midi button … are you able to mess around with the trig recorders and manual sampling?
took me forever to figure that shit out (yeah, and I mean shit, it really messed with my head) … so if you want pm me, we can skype video conference and I show you how I do it
awesome, when i get a fast net connection, will be keen for the Skype tutorial.
cool, so on Recording Screen 1, to set the Source to Master do i set SRC3 to “Main”?
Or, perhaps to record separate tracks for the inputs and the OT, maybe set a track recorder’s SRC3 to “T8” (with audio track 8 being used as a Master track).
For the track that is recording the OT’s Master track 8, INAB would be set to “-”, same for INCD …
Would really like to record longer than 4 bars. at least 64 bars.
I dont suggest using MAIN on Recorder 8, because it is susceptible of Main volume…instead use T8
Also you can record up to a max of 85.5 MB but this depends on how much the Flex Slot list is loaded and on the Memory reserved for Recorders (MEMORY menu from Project menu)
How many bars it will be is displayed in that menu
ah yes, and there it is - 64 bars! haha, this is awesome. Okay so maybe ‘Max’ length is to record until a ‘stop-record’ trig is trigged? sorry if this is a silly question …
and is the Loop On a way of letting the OT know the coming recording will be a loop or a one-shot sample recording?
cheers for the help, many thanks…
i am über keen to record Animoog onto the OT.
to achieve a laid-back kind of groove, i usually reduce the bpm on the Animoog by 20 percent and add delay.
So, if the OT is playing rhythms at 95 bpm, the Animoog is 76bpm.
I wonder how the OT will handle such a loose kind of rhythm when detecting transients, detecting bpm, slicing…
I’d like to record in a flex from AB, CD or SRC T1 (a thru machine)
But from AB and CD, the volume I have when I play on the flex is higher than from the T1
could somebody tell me why ?