Dynamic Recorders is enabled and have Reserve Recordings set to R1 with a Reserve Length of 4064 Rec. Steps. Recorder Trig set to One Shot, hit Play and dialog saying Recorder Memory is Full. How do you purge R1 Track Recorder? There are no Flex slots used.
{TRACK} + {EDIT}… File Menu - CLear Slot
Hey musicmagus, thanks for your suggestion, that method is my standard go to and has been tried numerous times without success. Create a new project and try for a reproducible case and that fails too.
Did you look in the Memory Configuration menu to see if somehow all the memory got reserved for something else?
Project Menu/Control/Memory
Hey oldgearguy, thanks for your suggestion also, I checked that also, I’m quite familiar with this style of sampling with the OT. Only Static machines are in use, that’s how you get around the reassigned ram.