Who wishes that quantized realtime recording was the default, rather than unquantized?
I find it a bit of a pain if I forget to turn on quantize and then have to edit all the timing by hand. Also actually I have no use for unquantized sequences personally, so it would be nice to disable it.
are you aware of the global quantize setting in GLOBAL > SEQUENCER SETTINGS?
let’s you enable record quantization globally… just set it once and done.
or is this what you mean… that the checkbox should be checked by default? if so, i agree, but it’s no biggie really innit.
^ Ah, my head is confused, getting mixed up somewhere, never mind the dumb!
Oh and thanks Void
By setting Global Live Rec on all your live recordings will be perfectly quantized and there’s no way to get some of that looseness back other than manually editing the micro timings, if I’m not mistaken. Instead can you make all new patterns have 127 on the Global Quantize (in the note setup) by default, so that I can edit each one after recording?
I thought Global Quantize was Global… but it’s not, it’s per pattern