Really easy time stretching on the Digitakt

Thank you so much for sharing the passion!

I finally got into trying and first try, instant love. Just transformed an old sounding percussion loop into a lovely part for an ambient jam I’m doing at the moment, delicious!

Glad ur enjoying it :blush::blush::blush:

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Hey guys - I feel like I’ve let you down by taking so long to follow up with more videos on this subject. Truth be told I’m depressed as shit and every time I try to make a video I pick it apart and tell myself it aint shit and I end up scrapping it. The good news is I am DONE with this attitude and am accepting the imperfections in the things that I create.

For now I’m posting some links to desmos graphs I made that visualize sample playback and the timestretch LFO on the digitakt. I can’t quite figure out how to incorporate them smoothly into a video, but I figured some folks on here who have been looking for a deeper explanation of what’s going on might appreciate them - or they might confuse you further lol. I included comments in each that hopefully will help :slight_smile:

My next video will be on the best practices I’ve developed for chopping perfect loops using just the digitakt. Nothing groundbreaking but that’s one of the more common questions I’ve gotten on previous vids. My goal is to make a couple short vids addressing these types of questions then move on to more fun stuff you can do with time stretching. Also exploring modular gear I have and the sp404 mk2 which I have been absolutely loving. mute groups ftw.

anyways peace and luv hope you understand, I really do appreciate all the support and feedback - I promise that I’m not done and the best is yet to come. talk to you soon <3


These techniques are all over a good chunk of things I made this past year. Thank you a ton for sharing them and all of the detail you have provided. The graphs are helping me visualize what’s going on as I admit I was lost on how it worked, and just chalked a big portion of it up to magic. Thank you again.


Nice. Profile. Picture!


eat your veggies folks this vids not gonna blow your socks off but hopefully is useful and answers some of your questions with regards to loops on the digitakt. cheers


Great explanation and learned some new things (as copy file names and increment file name numbers!) Thank you for sharing!

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I appreciate the excellent work. It’s nice having technical minded people break these machines down for us plebs.

If you have digitone, I thought this presenter was similarly technical/ thorough. Maybe it’s a stretch to compare, but it’s just something good I watched recently FM Synth Programming with Digitone Livestream Tutorial & Q+A - YouTube Apparently, according to the comments there it wasn’t exciting enough but the guy actually broke down each component on a WAY deeper level, going into DX7 algorithms and fundamental stuff.

My point is videos like yours add a lot! Same with OscillatorSink. Maybe it’s just my tiktok-ified brain but seeing people like you who can be methodical and do sound design with INTENTION is educational but also simultaneously riveting and relaxing. Thanks for the thorough material.

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Thank you for sharing your work on this. Visualisation like this is very helpful for me in general.
And bro, for what it might be worth coming from a person behind text on the internet, You rock all while helping a regular-ass 4 bar loopitis ridden brother like myself :blush:

Much love and respect :vulcan_salute:t5:

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@Weekend_Nanchos @vantablack guys I appreciate your support I really do feel the love <3 glad this stuff is helpin you

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made another vid buckos, bit of a different subject. had to get it done before the end of the year :slight_smile:


the king is back :pray:

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